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Library for creating and managing a canvas similar to CustomPaint but with more features.
RePaint #
Library for creating and managing a canvas similar to CustomPaint but with more features.
How to #
Handle mouse events #
void onPointerEvent(PointerEvent event) {
case (event) {
case PointerDownEvent e:
case PointerUpEvent e:
case PointerCancelEvent e:
case PointerPanZoomStartEvent e:
case PointerPanZoomUpdateEvent e:
case PointerPanZoomEndEvent e:
case PointerScrollEvent e:
case PointerSignalEvent e:
case PointerHoverEvent e:
case PointerMoveEvent e:
// Move the [_rect] by the [_offset] on mouse drag
final rect = _rect.shift(_offset);
if (!rect.contains(e.localPosition)) return;
_offset +=;
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Handle keyboard events #
To handle keyboard events you can use HardwareKeyboard manager:
bool _onKeyEvent(KeyEvent event) {
if (event.deviceType != KeyEventDeviceType.keyboard) return false;
if (event is! KeyDownEvent) return false;
// F1 - do something
switch (event.logicalKey) {
case LogicalKeyboardKey.f1:
return true;
return false;
void mount(_, __) {
void unmount() {
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or wrap RePaint with Focus widget and use onKeyEvent to handle keyboard events:
final painter = RePainterImpl();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Focus(
onKeyEvent: painter.onKeyEvent,
child: RePaint(
painter: painter,
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