reflex 0.0.2 copy "reflex: ^0.0.2" to clipboard
reflex: ^0.0.2 copied to clipboard

Flutter plugin to read notifications and auto reply with custom messages.

Reflex #

Flutter plugin for notification read & reply.

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Compatibility #

✅   Android
❌   iOS (active issue: iOS support for reflex)

Show some ❤️ and ⭐ the repo #

Why use Reflex? #

Reflex Plugin is known for:

Fast, performant & compatible
Free & Open-source
Production ready
Make App Reactive

Features #

All the features listed below can be performed at the runtime.

✅   Get Notification Stream
✅   Read Notification
✅   Reply From Notification
✅   Auto Reply

Demo #

Quick Start #

Step 1: Include plugin to your project #

  reflex: <latest version>

Run pub get and get packages.

Step 2: Add Service in AndroidManifest.xml #

Add the following service inside the application tag of AndroidManifest.xml.

            <action android:name="android.service.notification.NotificationListenerService" />

Android 12+ Compatibility Add android:exported="true" field in the service tag to make it compatible with Android 12+.

            <action android:name="android.service.notification.NotificationListenerService" />

Step 3: Instantiate Reflex #

Reflex must only be instantiated only once.

Reflex reflex = Reflex();

Example #

Go to example section in to see the full example code.

In GitHub, head over to example/lib/main.dart to see the full example code.

Import #

This single import is enough for using reflex.

import 'package:reflex/reflex.dart';

Listen & Reply #

StreamSubscription<ReflexEvent>? _subscription;
final List<ReflexEvent> _notificationLogs = [];
final List<ReflexEvent> _autoReplyLogs = [];
bool isListening = false;

Reflex reflex = Reflex(
  debug: true,
  packageNameList: ["com.whatsapp", "com.tyup"],
  packageNameExceptionList: [""],
  autoReply: AutoReply(
    packageNameList: ["com.whatsapp"],
    message: "[Reflex] This is an automated reply.",

void initState() {

Future<void> initPlatformState() async {

void onData(ReflexEvent event) {
  setState(() {
    if (event.type == ReflexEventType.notification) {
    } else if (event.type == ReflexEventType.reply) {

void startListening() {
  try {
    _subscription = reflex.notificationStream!.listen(onData);
    setState(() {
      isListening = true;
  } on ReflexException catch (exception) {

void stopListening() {
  setState(() => isListening = false);

Quick Guide #

A quick guide to Flutter Reflex plugin!

Debugging #

Debugging allows you to debug the plugin's functionality, logs are shown in the console.

By default debug logging is enabled. You can configure it using the debug field in the Reflex class.

Reflex reflex = Reflex(
  debug: false,

Listen notification permission #

See if listening notification permission has been granted or not.

bool isPermissionGranted = await Reflex.isPermissionGranted;

Request notification listening permission #

Use the function to grant notification listening permission.

await Reflex.requestPermission();

Notification Stream #

Use the reflex object to get a notification stream to listen to notifications in your flutter application.

StreamSubscription<ReflexEvent>? _subscription;
_subscription = reflex.notificationStream!.listen((event) {
  // Application Logic

The stream is subscribed for ReflexEvent whenever a notification is received.

Reflex Event

The incoming reflex event contains:

  • type: ReflexEventType.notification whenever a notification is received to flutter application, and ReflexEventType.reply whenever an automated reply is sent.

  • packageName: Application's package name from which notifications are received and reply are sent.

  • title: Notification title

  • message: Message contained in the notification and while sending reply.

  • timestamp: Timestamp of the notification received and reply sent.

Listen notification from specific apps #

Specify list of package names to listen to notifications from those applications.

If packageNameList: null plugin will listen to notifications from all packages.

Reflex reflex = Reflex(
  debug: true,
  packageNameList: ["com.whatsapp", "com.facebook"],

Avoid notification from specific apps #

Specify package name exception list to avoid listening notifications from those applications.

If packageNameExceptionList: null, the plugin will listen to notifications for packageNameList if not null.

Reflex reflex = Reflex(
  debug: true,
  packageNameExceptionList: ["com.whatsapp"],

Auto Reply #

Send an automated reply while listening notification.

AutoReply autoReply = AutoReply(
  message: "[Reflex] This is an automated reply.",

Auto reply specific apps

Specify packageNameList in AutoReply to reply to specific applications.

AutoReply autoReply = AutoReply(
  packageNameList: ["com.whatsapp"],
  message: "[Reflex] This is an automated reply.",

The AutoReply object is used by the Reflex's autoReply field to automatically reply to applications.

Reflex reflex = Reflex(
  debug: true,
  packageNameList: ["com.whatsapp", "com.tyup"],
  packageNameExceptionList: ["com.miui.securitycenter"],
  autoReply: AutoReply(
    packageNameList: ["com.whatsapp"],
    message: "[Reflex] This is an automated reply.",

If the autoReply field is null in Reflex class, Auto reply feature will be disabled.

Ambiguity #

A ReflexException will be thrown if,

  • Reflex's packageNameList and packageNameExceptionList contains any similar package name.

  • any package name in AutoReply's packageNameList is contained in Reflex's packageNameExceptionList.

Project Created & Maintained By #

Divyanshu Shekhar #

GitHub followers

Subham Praharaj #

GitHub followers

Contributions #

Contributions are welcomed!

If you feel that a hook is missing, feel free to open a pull-request.

For a custom-hook to be merged, you will need to do the following:

  • Describe the use-case.

  • Open an issue explaining why we need this hook, how to use it, ... This is important as a hook will not get merged if the hook doens't appeal to a large number of people.

  • If your hook is rejected, don't worry! A rejection doesn't mean that it won't be merged later in the future if more people shows an interest in it. In the mean-time, feel free to publish your hook as a package on

  • A hook will not be merged unles fully tested, to avoid breaking it inadvertendly in the future.

Stargazers #

Stargazers repo roster for @DevsOnFlutter/reflex

Forkers #

Forkers repo roster for @DevsOnFlutter/reflex

Code and documentation Copyright (c) 2021 Divyanshu Shekhar. Code released under the BSD 3-Clause License.




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Flutter plugin to read notifications and auto reply with custom messages.

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