realm_common 0.2.0-alpha.1
realm_common: ^0.2.0-alpha.1 copied to clipboard
Hosts the common code shared between realm, realm_dart and realm_generator packages. This package is part of the official Realm Flutter and Realm Dart SDKs.
Realm is a mobile database that runs directly inside phones, tablets or wearables. This repository holds the source code for the Realm SDK for Flutter™ and Dart™.
Getting Started #
To use the Realm SDK for Flutter add the realm package to your pubspec.yaml
To use the Realm SDK for Dart add the realm_dart package to your pubspec.yaml
Import Realm.
import 'package:realm/realm.dart';
Define a data model class
.@RealmModel() class _Car { late String make; late String model; int? kilometers = 500; }
Generate RealmObject class
from data model class_Car
.dart run realm generate
Open a Realm and add some objects.
var config = Configuration([Car.schema]); var realm = Realm(config); var car = Car("Telsa", "Model Y", kilometers: 5); realm.write(() { realm.add(car); }
Query objects in Realm.
var cars = realm.all<Car>(); Car myCar = cars[0]; print("My car is ${myCar.make} model ${myCar.model}"); cars = realm.all<Car>().query("make == 'Tesla'");
Documentation #
For API documentation go to
For a complete documentation go to Realm Flutter and Dart SDK Docs.