rating_and_feedback_collector 0.0.3 copy "rating_and_feedback_collector: ^0.0.3" to clipboard
rating_and_feedback_collector: ^0.0.3 copied to clipboard

Customizable rating bars with emojis, icons, custom images with half/full rating and dynamic feedback alerts.

Customizable rating bars with emojis, icons, custom images with half/full rating and dynamic feedback alerts.

Features #

  • Custom icon rating
  • Smiley emojis rating
  • Custom image rating
  • Feedback alert box for low ratings
  • Redirect to store for high ratings
  • Customizable UI & contents
  • Submission callback

Getting started #

Add dependency to your pubspec.yaml file & run Pub get

  rating_and_feedback_collector: ^0.0.3
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And import package into your class file

import 'package:rating_and_feedback_collector/rating_and_feedback_collector.dart';
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Usage #

double _rating = 0.0;
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  1. Rating Bar with Icons (with full & half rating option)
    iconSize: 40, // Size of the rating icons            
    allowHalfRating: true, // Allows selection of half ratings            
    filledIcon: Icons.star, // Icon to display for a filled rating unit            
    halfFilledIcon: Icons.star_half, // Icon to display for a half-filled rating unit            
    emptyIcon: Icons.star_border, // Icon to display for an empty rating units            
    filledColor: Colors.amber, // Color of filled rating units            
    emptyColor: Colors.grey, // Color of empty rating units            
    currentRating: _rating, // Set initial rating value            
    onRatingChanged: (rating) { // Callback triggered when the rating is changed
      setState(() { _rating = rating; });
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  1. Rating bar default emoji images
    imageSize: 45, // Size of image in the rating bar.
    currentRating: _rating, // Set initial rating value
    onRatingChanged: (rating) { // Callback triggered when the rating is changed
      setState(() { _rating = rating;  });
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  1. Rating Bar with Custom Image
    imageSize: 45, // Size of image in the rating bar.
    currentRating: _rating, // Set initial rating value
    activeImages: const [
                      AssetImage('assets/Images/ic_excellent.png'),  ],
    deActiveImages: const [
                        AssetImage('assets/Images/ic_excellentDisable.png'),  ],
    onRatingChanged: (rating) { // Callback triggered when the rating is changed
      setState(() { _rating = rating; });
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Properties #

Property Types Description
currentRating double set initial rating value
filledIcon (only for RatingBar) IconData? Icon to display for a filled rating unit
halfFilledIcon (only for RatingBar) IconData? Icon to display for a half-filled rating unit.
emptyIcon (only for RatingBar) IconData? Icon to display for an empty rating units.
filledColor (only for RatingBar) Color? Color of filled rating units.
emptyColor (only for RatingBar) Color? Color of empty rating units.
iconSize double? Size of the rating icons.
onRatingChanged return double Callback triggered when the rating is changed.
allowHalfRating (only for RatingBar) bool? Allows selection of half ratings.
isGoogleFont bool? set it true if you want to use google fonts else false
fontFamilyName String? set your custom font family name or google font family name
feedbackUIType FeedbackUIType? want to show feedback box in alert view or in bottom sheet
showFeedbackForRatingsLessThan double? Threshold rating value below which feedback box is shown.
feedbackBoxTitle String? Title for the feedback box
lowRatingFeedbackTitle String? Title for feedback options in the low rating feedback box.
lowRatingFeedback List<String>? List of feedback strings for low ratings.
showDescriptionInput bool? Option to show input box for user descriptions in the feedback dialog.
descriptionTitle String? Title for the description input box in the feedback dialog.
descriptionPlaceHolder String? Placeholder text for the description input box.
descriptionCharacterLimit int? Character limit for the description input.
submitButtonTitle String? Title for the submit button in the feedback dialog.
onSubmitTap returns selectedFeedback(with index & text) & description Callback function triggered on submission of feedback.
showRedirectToStoreForRatingsGreaterThan double? Threshold rating value above which the app redirects to the store for a review.
androidPackageName String? Android package name for the app, used in the store redirect.
iosBundleId String? iOS bundle ID for the app, used in the store redirect.
innerWidgetsBorderRadius double? Border radius for the feedback dialog widgets.
alertDialogBorderRadius double? Border radius for the feedback dialog.


verified publisherdevcodespace.com

Weekly Downloads

2024.08.10 - 2025.02.22

Customizable rating bars with emojis, icons, custom images with half/full rating and dynamic feedback alerts.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


MIT (license)


flutter, google_fonts, rate_us_on_store


Packages that depend on rating_and_feedback_collector