quick_router 1.0.1
quick_router: ^1.0.1 copied to clipboard
A quick router for people in a hurry...
QuickRoute #
A quick routing mechanism for Flutter to handle deep linking on a hurry.
Getting started #
Import the package and just create as many QuickRoute
widgets as you need, they can be nested in which case they will start analazing the path where their parent left of.
Install #
flutter pub add quick_router
Usage #
In this example onGenerateRoute
is being used, but the QuickRoute just needs a path
(a url) and it will cascade down while analyzing the path's segments.
void main() {
onGenerateRoute: (settings) {
String url = settings.name; // url to use as base...
return QuickRoute(path: url, match:"/library", child:Column(children:[
QuickRoute(math:"/horror", child:Text("Horror books")), // will run on /library/horror
QuickRoute(math:"/drama", child:Text("Drama books")), // will run on /library/drama
One widget #
is a widget that IF it has a path
it will act as the main route. Any children QuickRoute
will start analizing the path after the parent eat it's match from the path
and so on...
Each route creates a context that can be accessed calling context.quickRouteContext?
and exposes a method param
to get the parameters (if any)
The method T param<T>(String paramKey)
allows you to cast the param to a specific type.
Get Url Parameters #
You get them from the build context of your widget, like so:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
// if the url is /some/url/:someKey/etc/:count
// and the real url is: /some/url/magic/etc/123
var myParamValue = context.quickRouteContext?.param<String>("someKey"); // = magic
var myParamValue2 = context.quickRouteContext?.param<int>("count"); // = 123
return Text("child param: $myParamValue;");
There are 3 types of parameters:
- URL SEGMENT that look like this
in this case wildcard will be a parameter that will match anything between the slashes.
// let's the match pattern was: /some/awesome/:wildcard/path
// and path is: /some/awesome/impressive/path
var myParamValue = context.quickRouteContext?.param<String>("wildcard"); //== "impressive"
- QUERY STRING anything in the querystring portion will be added to the params bag with the
prefix. So/some/url?nice=string&foo=bar
will add?nice
to the params.
// let's the match pattern was: /some/awesome/path
// and path is: /some/awesome/path?and=some&query=value
var myParamValue = context.quickRouteContext?.param<String>("?query"); //== "value"
- HASH same as with querystring but for hash values:
will have#foo
in the params
// let's the match pattern was: /some/awesome/path
// and path is: /some/awesome/path#and=some&query=value
var myParamValue = context.quickRouteContext?.param<String>("#query"); //== "value"