pure_extensions 4.0.2 copy "pure_extensions: ^4.0.2" to clipboard
pure_extensions: ^4.0.2 copied to clipboard


It adds utility extensions to the dart classes and adds some utility classes, builders.

Dart Extensions #

Adds several extensions

class Description
GeoPoint Defines a geographical point.
GeoBounds A latitude/longitude aligned rectangle.
CompositeMapSubscription Acts as a map for multiple subscriptions that can be canceled at once.
ReadableFile Implement a multi platform interface to be able to read a file.
DurationBuilder Builder for [Duration]
DateTimeBuilder Builder for [DateTime]
UriBuilder Builder for [Uri]

- Color #

Extensions color code we thank "TinyColor"

- String #

See recase for many other extensions

Command Description
ifEmpty if string is empty returns a 'text' otherwise return string
isBlank if string is empty or contains only space returns true otherwise returns false
ifBlank(() => 'text') if string is empty or contains only space returns 'text' otherwise returns string
more methods... please complete this list...

- num #

They are extended with the methods of the 'math' package

- Iterable< T > (BUILT) #

See collection for many others extensions

Command Description
nullIfEmpty returns null or if it is empty returns true.
replaces replace the old elements contained in the map with new ones.
whereNotContains Returns a iterable without bad elements.
joinBy Concatenates the elements given by function.
joinElement Concatenates the elements.
containsAll Returns true if the specified value is equal to at least one element.
groupBy Splits a list into sub-lists stored in an object, based on the result.
generateMap Generate the map by collection.
- Iterable< num/int/double/BigInt/Rational >

See collection for many others extensions

Command Description
sum Calculate the sum of all numbers in the collection
average Calculate the average of all numbers in the collection
subtract Calculate the subtraction of all numbers in the collection
divide Calculate the division of all numbers in the collection
multiply Calculate the multiplication of all numbers in the collection
sumAllBy Sum [number] to all items in the collection
subtractAllBy Subtract [number] to all items in the collection
divideAllBy Divide [number] to all items in the collection
multiplyAllBy Multiply [number] to all items in the collection
- Iterable< MapEntry< K, V > > (BUILT)
Command Description
toMap Convert the collection of entries into a [Map].
toMapList Grouping the results in list according to key.
keys Returns only the keys.
values Returns only the values.
- Iterable< Future< T > >
Command Description
waitFutures same as [Future.wait] method
anyFutures same as [Future.any] method
- Iterable< GeoPoint >
Command Description
center Calculate a center.
northeast Calculate the northeast corner.
southwest Calculate the southwest corner.
internalBounds Calculate the internal corners.
externalBounds Calculate the external corners.

- Map< K, V > (BUILT) #

Command Description
whereNotNull Returns [Map] without null keys and values.
generateIterable<K, V>(T Function(K key, V value) generator) returns a List from entries
where Returns a new map with all entries that satisfy [test].
firstWhere Returns the first entry that satisfies [test].
lastWhere Returns the last entry that satisfies [test].
singleWhere Returns the single element that satisfies [test].
firstOrNull Returns the first entry if it exists otherwise null.
lastOrNull Returns the last entry if it exists otherwise null.
singleOrNull Returns the single entry if it exists otherwise null.
reduce Reduces a map to a single value by iteratively combining entries.
every Checks whether every entry of this map satisfies [test].
any Checks whether any entry of this map satisfies [test].
fold Reduces a map to a single value by iteratively combining entries.

- DateTime (DateTimeBuilder) #

See time for many others extensions

Command Description

- Duration (DurationBuilder) #

See time for many others extensions

Command Description
days Human days representation (0 -> ...)
hours Human hours representation (0 -> 24)
minutes Human minutes representation (0 -> 59)
seconds Human seconds representation (0 -> 59)
milliseconds Human milliseconds representation (0 -> 999)
microseconds Human microseconds representation (0 -> 999)
copyWith Copy this with new values
toBuilder Converts this in builder
rebuild Update this by [DurationBuilder]

- Stream< T > #

Command Description
asStream returns itself with the [Stream] type.
asBroadcast returns a broadcast stream without wrapping it unnecessarily.
onTrackedErrorResume It is similar to [Rx.OnErrorExtensions.onErrorResume] but with [StackTrace].
onTrackedErrorReturnWith It is similar to [Rx.OnErrorExtensions.onErrorReturnWith] but with [StackTrace].
distinctRuntimeType Stream.distinct] by [T.runtimeType].
distinctRuntimeType Stream.distinct] by [T.runtimeType].
listenValueChanges Hear how the specified value changes over time from its previous value.

Built #

Class Description
GeoPointSerializer Serializer for [GeoPoint] Type
RationalSerializer Serializer for the [Rational] type
ByPassSerializer Serializer that does not serialize and deserialize the specified type [T]

- Serializers

Command Description
serializeAll Serialize the collection of objects
serializeAllWith Serialize the collection of objects using [Serializer].
deserializeAll Deserialize the collection of objects.
deserializeAllWith Deserialize the collection of objects using [Serializer].


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2024.06.29 - 2025.01.11

It adds utility extensions to the dart classes and adds some utility classes, builders.

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unknown (license)


built_collection, built_value, collection, path, rational, recase, rxdart, time


Packages that depend on pure_extensions