pub_release 1.0.5 pub_release: ^1.0.5 copied to clipboard
Automates the release of a dart package to including running dartfmt, creating a git tag, incrementing the packages version no. and pushing the package to
Pub Release is a package to assist in publishing dart/flutter packages to
Pub Release performs the following operations:
- Formats all code using dartfmt
- Increments the version no. using semantic versioning after asking what sort of changes have been made.
- Creates a dart file containing the version no. in src/version/version.g.dart
- Updates the pubspec.yaml with the new version no.
- If you are using Git:
- Generates a Git Tag using the new version no.
- Generates release notes from commit messages since the last tag.
- Allows you to edit the release notes.
- Adds the release notes to CHANGELOG.MD along with the new version no.
- Publishes the package to