prompts 2.0.0
prompts: ^2.0.0 copied to clipboard
Rich, simple, synchronous command-line prompt library for Dart.
prompts #
Rich, simple, synchronous command-line prompt library for Dart.
Now with pretty colors!
Example #
import 'package:io/ansi.dart';
import 'package:prompts/prompts.dart' as prompts;
void main() {
// Easily get a single line.
var name = prompts.get('Enter your name');
print('Hello, $name!');
// ... Or many lines.
print('Tell me about yourself.');
var bio = prompts.get(
"Enter some lines, using '\\' to escape line breaks",
allowMultiline: true,
inputColor: resetAll,
print('About $name:\n$bio');
// Supports default values.
name = prompts.get('Enter your REAL name', defaultsTo: name);
print('Hello, $name!');
// "High-level" prompts are built upon [get].
// For example, we can prompt for confirmation trivially.
bool shouldDownload = prompts.getBool('Really download this package?');
if (!shouldDownload)
print('Not downloading.');
// Or, get an integer, WITH validation.
int age = prompts.getInt('How old are you?', defaultsTo: 23, chevron: false);
print('$name, you\'re $age? Cool!');
// We can choose from various values.
// There are two methods - shorthand and regular.
var rgb = [,,];
Color color = prompts.chooseShorthand('Tell me your favorite color', rgb);
print('You chose: ${color.about}');
// The standard chooser prints to multiple lines, but is often
// clearer to read, and has more obvious semantics.
color = prompts.choose('Choose another color', rgb, defaultsTo:;
class Color {
final String name, description;
const Color(, this.description);
static const Color red = const Color('Red', 'The color of apples.'),
blue = const Color('Blue', 'The color of the sky.'),
green = const Color('Green', 'The color of leaves.');
String get about => '$name - $description';
String toString() => name;
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