project_template 1.0.2 copy "project_template: ^1.0.2" to clipboard
project_template: ^1.0.2 copied to clipboard

Tool to generate project templates for any programming language or framework.

project_template #

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A tool to generate project templates and file trees for any programming language or framework.

Template Format #

To define a template just declare a file tree where variables will be in the format ___VAR_NAME___. Variables will be detected in file paths and in file contents.

Example of a Template file tree:


Content example for the entry above:

# ___project_name___


## Usage


`$> ___project_name_dir___ -h`

## See Also

- ___homepage___

Project Manifest #

You can declare a project manifest at project_template.yaml:

  description: The name of the project.
  example: Simple App

  description: The project directory name.
  example: simple_app

  description: The project description for `pubspec.yaml`.
  example: A simple project.
  default: A project from template.
  • Variables with a default value won't be mandatory when using the CLI command create.

Usage #

The package can be used as a command-line interface (CLI) or as a Dart library to be imported in other projects or other CLI tools.


You can use the built-in command-line: project_template

To activate it globally:

 $> dart pub global activate project_template

Now you can use the CLI directly:

  $> project_template --help

CLI Commands #

prepare: #

Prepare a Template from a directory into a single file. The resulting file should be used by command create.

Prepare to a JSON file:

  $> project_template prepare -d example/template-example -r ".DS_Store$" -o /tmp/template-x.json

Prepare to a Zip file:

  $> project_template prepare -d example/template-example -r ".DS_Store$" -o /tmp/
  • -d: The Template directory/source.
    • Source types:
      • Directory: path/to/template-directory
      • Zip file: path/to/
      • Tar+gZip file: path/to/template-x.tar.gz
      • Tar file: path/to/template-x.tar
  • -r: A RegExp of a file path to ignore.
  • -o: The prepared Template output file (to be used by create command below).
    • Output File formats:
      • Zip file: path/to/
      • Tar+gZip file: path/to/template-x.tar.gz
      • Tar file: path/to/template-x.tar
      • JSON file: path/to/template-x.json
      • YAML file: path/to/template-x.yaml

info: #

Show information about a Template (files, variables and manifest):

  $> project_template info -t /tmp/
  • -t: The template path.
    • Path types:
      • Directory: path/to/template-directory
      • Zip file: path/to/
      • Tar+gZip file: path/to/template-x.tar.gz
      • Tar file: path/to/template-x.tar
      • JSON file: path/to/template-x.json
      • YAML file: path/to/template-x.yaml

create: #

Create/build a file tree from a Template:

  $> project_template create -t /tmp/ -p project_name_dir=foo -p project_name=Foo -p "project_description=Foo project." -p homepage= -o /tmp/project-x
  • -t: The template path.
    • Path types:
      • Directory: path/to/template-directory
      • Zip file: path/to/
      • Tar+gZip file: path/to/template-x.tar.gz
      • Tar file: path/to/template-x.tar
      • JSON file: path/to/template-x.json
      • YAML file: path/to/template-x.yaml
  • -p: A template property/variable definition.
  • -o: The output directory/zip/tar.gz (where the resolve project file tree will be generated).
    • Output types:
      • Directory: path/to/template-directory
      • Zip file: path/to/
      • Tar+gZip file: path/to/template-x.tar.gz
      • Tar file: path/to/template-x.tar

Library Usage #

Here's a simple example that loads a Template from a directory, resolves/builds it (with the variables definitions) and then saves it to a new directory.

import 'dart:io';

import 'package:project_template/src/project_template_storage_io.dart';

void main() async {

  var sourceDir = Directory('path/to/template-dir');
  // The template storage:
  var storage =

  // List files at storage:
  var files = storage.listFiles();

  // Load a Template using storage files:
  var template = await storage.loadTemplate();

  // Parse the Template files and identify the variables:
  var variables = template.parseTemplateVariables();

  // Return the Template manifest (`project_template.yaml`).
  var manifest = template.getManifest();

  // Define the variables to build a template: 
  var variables = {
    'project_name': 'Project X',
    'project_name_dir': 'project_x',
    'homepage': 'https://project-x.domain',

  // Resolve/build the template:
  var templateResolved = template.resolve(variables);

  // Print all Template files as a YAML document:

  var saveDir = Directory('/path/to/workspace');
  // Save `templateResolved` files to `/path/to/workspace/project_x`:
  var storageSave =;
  templateResolved.saveTo(storageSave, 'project_x');

See the example for more.

To use this library in your code, see the API documentation.

CLI Library Usage #

The CLI classes, based on Command (used with CommandRunner) of package args, are also exposed to be integrated with other projects and other CLI tools.

Here's an example of a tool-x using project_template_cli:

import 'dart:io';

import 'package:args/command_runner.dart';
import 'package:project_template/project_template_cli.dart';

void _consolePrinter(Object? o) {

const String cliTitle = '[Tool-X/${Template.version}]';

void main(List<String> args) async {
  var commandRunner =
      CommandRunner<bool>('tool-x', '$cliTitle - CLI Tool')
        ..addCommand(CommandInfo(cliTitle, _consolePrinter))
        ..addCommand(CommandCreate(cliTitle, _consolePrinter))
        ..addCommand(CommandPrepare(cliTitle, _consolePrinter));
  var ok = await ;

  exit(ok ? 0 : 1);

Features and bugs #

Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.

Author #

Graciliano M. Passos: gmpassos@GitHub.

License #

Apache License - Version 2.0



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Tool to generate project templates for any programming language or framework.

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


Apache-2.0 (license)


archive, args, async_extension, collection, path, yaml, yaml_writer


Packages that depend on project_template