pro_image_editor 4.3.6 copy "pro_image_editor: ^4.3.6" to clipboard
pro_image_editor: ^4.3.6 copied to clipboard

A Flutter image editor: Seamlessly enhance your images with user-friendly editing features.

Changelog #

4.3.6 #

  • FEAT(text-editor): Enable access to FocusNode and TextControl for enhanced editor control.

4.3.5 #

  • FIX(frosted-glass): Adjust frosted glass example icon button size.
  • FEAT(filter-button): Updated the text color of the selected filter to visually indicate which filter is currently active, enhancing user interaction and clarity.

4.3.4 #

  • FIX(loading-dialog): close loading dialog after generation process completes.

4.3.3 #

  • FIX(layout): Resolve right overflow issue on small size phones in the paint-editor. This was merged from the pull request #178.

4.3.2 #

  • FIX(paint-validator): Resolve right overflow issue. This resolves the issue #177.

4.3.1 #

  • FEAT(crop-rotate-editor): Allow users to read and update the aspect ratio using custom methods. This was requested in #169.

4.3.0 #

  • FEAT(draw-opacity): Add an option to let the user change the opacity of the drawing. This was discussed in #167.

4.2.9 #

  • FIX(done-button): Disable 'Done' button until image is decoded. This resolves the issue #166.

4.2.8 #

  • FIX(dialog-mode): Resolve issue where the subEditorPage had thre wrong size in the dialog. This resolves the issue #164.

4.2.7 #

  • FIX(text-editor): Resolve issue where cursor size change with long text. This resolves issue #154.

4.2.6 #

  • FIX(content-recorder): Remove visible border in captured images when user added layers from outside. This resolves issue #156.

4.2.5 #

  • FIX(zoom-paint-editor): Prevent bottombar from wrapping items to a new line. This resolves issue #152.

4.2.4 #

  • FIX(import): Ensure to set correct emoji size after image rotation and history restore. This resolves issue #151.

4.2.3 #

  • FIX(content-recorder): Ensure final generated image respects bounds after rotation when captureOnlyBackgroundImageArea is true. This resolves issue #145.

4.2.2 #

  • FIX(PopScope): Check if route already popped in onPopInvoked and avoid showing close warning dialog if already popped.
  • FEAT(Callbacks): Added new callback to MainEditorCallbacks which is triggered when onPopInvoked.

4.2.1 #

  • FEAT(theme): Added option to change foreground and background color of layer interaction buttons.

4.2.0 #

  • FEAT(ContentRecorderController): Changed the logic how the ContentRecorderController records invisible widgets. This makes the image editor backward compatible to older Flutter versions <= 3.19.x.

4.1.1 #

  • FIX(vibration): The Vibration.hasVibrator check will now only happen if the user has enabled hitVibration in the helperline configs. This resolves issue #139.

4.1.0 #

  • FEAT(zoom): Paint-Editor and Main-Editor are now zoomable. An example of how to enable this can be found here

4.0.10 #

  • FEAT(text-editor): Add autocorrect and enableSuggestions configs. This was requsted in #132
  • FIX(text-editor): Remove duplicate text-shadow from invisible text-field. This resolves issue #131.

4.0.9 #

  • FIX(emoji-picker): Ensure the emoji-picker is rendered inside the safe areas. This resolves issue #126.

4.0.8 #

  • FIX(crop-rotate-editor): Resolve incorrect transformation issue in crop editor.
  • FIX(export-import): Correct image transformation on history reapply. This resolves issue #120.
  • FIX(export-import): Resolve sticker persistence and transformation issues in history reapply. This resolves issue #121.

4.0.7 #

  • FIX(sticker-export): Resolve incorrect export from sticker images causing lower resolution.
  • FEAT(custom-widget): Add custom widgets for font-size bottom sheet. This was requsted in #123

4.0.6 #

  • FEAT(layer-scale): Add ability to set minimum and maximum scale factor for layers. This was requsted in #122

4.0.5 #

  • FIX(text-editor): Resolve misapplication of secondary color. This resolve issue #105.
  • FIX(text-editor): Resolve issue where text styles (bold/italic/underline) are not saved in history. This resolves issue #118.

4.0.4 #

  • FEAT(text-editor): Added the ability to programmatically set the secondary color next to the primary color.

4.0.3 #

  • FEAT(decode-image): Ability to decode the image from external, allowing to change the background image dynamically, which was requested in #110.
  • FIX(layer-position): Ensure layers are rendered from center even without bottombar. This resolves issue #113.

4.0.2 #

  • REFACTOR(designs): Made the "Frosted-Glass" and "WhatsApp" designs more compact, making them easier to implement with less code.

4.0.1 #

  • FIX(import-history): Resolve incorrect multiple importing from state history. This resolve issue #106.

4.0.0 #

Detailed information about this release and why these breaking-changes are necessary can be found here.

  • BREAKING FEAT: Remove hardcoded WhatsApp-Design.

  • BREAKING FEAT: Rewrite the entire logic of customWidgets.

  • BREAKING FEAT: Move initialColor and initialStrokeWidth from paintEditorConfigs to imageEditorTheme-paintingEditor.

  • FEAT: Add new design Frosted-Glass.

  • FEAT: The WhatsApp theme is now fully editable.

  • FEAT: Smaller build size and minimal performance boost because the Whatsapp design is no longer hardcoded.

  • FEAT: Make it easier to use customWidget.

  • FEAT: Editor design is now more customizable.

3.0.15 #

  • FEAT(callbacks): Add to the main-editor callbacks onTap, onDoubleTap and onLongPress which was requested in #104.

3.0.14 #

  • FEAT(custom-widget): Add custom widgets to the line-width bottomsheet in the Paint Editor, which was requested in #103.
  • FIX(sticker-export-import) Fix the issue that the sticker size change after export/import them. This resolve issue #83.

3.0.13 #

  • FIX(state-history): Resolve incorrect import/export from transform-configs. This resolve issue #102.

3.0.12 #

  • FIX(import-history): Resolve incorrect import of fontfamily and fontscale. This issue was discussed in #83.

3.0.11 #

  • FEAT(remove-all-layers): Add method to remove all layers as requested in #80.

3.0.10 #

  • FEAT(hover-remove-btn): Extend the remove area so that it always detects the layer hovering correctly, even if the user creates a custom widget with a different position for it.

3.0.9 #

  • FIX(hover-remove-btn): Ensure remove area works correctly on iOS rotated devices. This fix GitHub issue #75.

3.0.8 #

  • FEAT(custom-color-picker): Add currently selected color to custom color picker widget.

3.0.7 #


  • BREAKING FEAT: The property generateOnlyDrawingBounds has been renamed to captureOnlyDrawingBounds.

  • FEAT: The editor will now capture by default only the area from the background image and cut all layers outside. To disable this behavior, you can set the flag captureOnlyBackgroundImageArea to false in the configurations, like below:

configs: ProImageEditorConfigs(
  imageGenerationConfigs: const ImageGeneratioConfigs(
    captureOnlyBackgroundImageArea: false,
  • FEAT: Visually overlay the background color with opacity over layers outside the capture area.
  • FEAT: New mode in the paint-editor to erase painted layers.

3.0.6 #

  • FIX(layer): call setState when adding a new layer from external source
  • FIX(web_worker): remove web_worker.dart from web build to resolve lint errors

3.0.5 #

  • FEAT(custom-slider): add a custom widget to replace the slider in the filter and blur editor.
  • FEAT(custom-color-picker): add a custom widget to replace the color picker in the text and paint editor.
  • FEAT(custom-crop-aspect-ratio): add a custom widget to replace the aspect ratio picker.
  • FIX(main-editor): correct image and layer display when bottombar or appbar is not visible.

3.0.4 #

  • FEAT(hero): enable hero animation when opening the editor

3.0.3 #

  • FIX(done-editing): allow users to continue editing after pressing done if the image-editor doesn't close

3.0.2 #

  • CHORE(example): also release example in for pubpoints

3.0.1 #

  • DOCS(preview-videos): update preview videos to version 3.0.0

3.0.0 New Crop-Rotate-Editor #

Replace the existing crop-rotate editor, which depended on the extended_image and image_editor package, with a new solution that doesn't depend on this packages.

  • BREAKING FEAT: Move onImageEditingComplete, onCloseEditor and onUpdateUI callbacks inside callbacks: ProImageEditorCallbacks().

  • BREAKING FEAT: Change the allowCompleteWithEmptyEditing config to allowEmptyEditCompletion. Use it new like this configs: ProImageEditorConfigs(imageGenerationConfigs: ImageGeneratioConfigs(allowEmptyEditCompletion: false)). The default value is now also true and not false anymore.

  • BREAKING FEAT: Change the layer initial offset position to the center of the screen, not the top left.

  • BREAKING FEAT: Rename ColorFilterGenerator to FilterModel.

  • BREAKING FEAT: Changed the logic of overlaying multiple layers, which may produce different results than before.

  • BREAKING FEAT: Default maxBlur configuration is now 5.0 instead of 2.0.

  • BREAKING FEAT: Move editorBoxConstraintsBuilder from configs to imageEditorTheme.

  • FEAT: Crop-Rotate-Editor

    • Double tap to zoom in and out
    • Multiple cursor support
    • Undo/Redo function
    • Reset function
    • Flip function
    • Animated rotation
    • Keyboard shortcut support
    • More theme and configuration options
    • Hero animation for image and layers
    • Round "cropper" for profile pictures
  • FEAT: Painting-Editor

    • Standalone drawing of signatures or paintings
  • FEAT: Emoji-Editor

    • Infinite scrolling through all categories
    • Optional as DraggableScrollableSheet
  • FEAT: Sticker-Editor

    • Optional as DraggableScrollableSheet
  • FEAT: Standalone editors "Painting, Crop-Rotate, Filter, Blur"

  • FEAT: Option to generate thumbnails first and the final image later for faster results with high-resolution images

  • FEAT: Generate configs to change things like the output format

  • FIX: Layer rendering outside the background image now works everywhere.

  • FIX: The editor no longer depends on packages that only work with supported "native" functionality, which ensures that the editor works on all platforms. This fixes issue #23.

  • PERF: Changes are handled internally across all editors, so there's no conversion delay when opening or closing the Crop-Rotate Editor.

  • PERF: Image generation is now isolated from the main thread, speeding up the process significantly. On the web, it runs inside separate web workers.

  • PERF: Filters recalculate matrix only when they change and not after every state refresh.

  • PERF: Faster emoji rendering when scrolling in the Emoji Editor.

2.7.11 #

  • MERGE: pull request #60 from diegotori/editor_bottom_sheet_constraints.
    • BoxConstraints support when opening editors in bottom sheets.

2.7.10 #

2.7.9 #

  • CHORE: Update the screenshot package so that it's compatible with Flutter 3.22.0. This fix GitHub issue #45.

2.7.8 #

  • FEAT: Added option for layers to be selected upon creation. Details in GitHub issue #44.

2.7.7 #

2.7.6 #

  • FEAT: Allow users to create a custom bottomBar for the text editor. Details in GitHub issue #40

2.7.5 #

  • FIX: Corrected pixelRatio and layer interaction calculations in ProImageEditor for smaller screen areas, ensuring accuracy across various device sizes. See GitHub issue #37.

2.7.4 #

  • FIX: Migrated all emoji editor theme configurations from EmojiEditorConfigs to EmojiEditorTheme inside ImageEditorTheme, resolving GitHub issue #38.

2.7.3 #

  • FIX: Correct platform conditional to include web check. Details in GitHub issue #35

2.7.2 #

  • FEAT: Added a function in customWidgets within configs to show a custom closeWarningDialog.

2.7.1 #

  • FEAT: Introduces the ability for users to specify the initial offset position for new layers.

2.7.0 #

  • FEAT: Layers can now be selected for rotation, scaling, and deletion, enhancing user control and editing capabilities.
  • FEAT: Improved functionality particularly on desktop devices, where users can now manipulate layers more efficiently.
  • FEAT: Introduced keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl+Z: for undo and Ctrl+Shift+Z: for redo actions, streamlining workflow and enhancing user experience.
  • FIX: Fixed an issue where rotated layers with unequal width and height couldn't be tapped in the corners, ensuring consistent interaction regardless of rotation.

2.6.8 #

  • FEAT: Renamed the property whatsAppCustomTextStyles to customTextStyles in the TextEditorConfigs. This change allows users to set multiple fonts also in the simple editor.
  • FEAT: Prepare some code for a new layer interaction feature that allows users to select a layer and then rotate or scale them.

2.6.7 #

  • FIX: correct layer interaction to handle multiple layers
  • REFACTOR: improve code readability for better maintainability

2.6.6 #

  • REFACTOR: Update editor code examples

2.6.5 #

  • FEAT: Make stateHistory and activeLayers public and add moveLayerListPosition method to improve layer management functionality.

2.6.4 #

  • FIX(iOS)**: resolve editor error on iOS devices with cupertino design when editing completion

2.6.3 #

  • FEAT: Add preview screen to sample application for displaying edited images
  • CHORE: Update emoji_picker_flutter dependency to version 2.2.0

2.6.2 #

  • FEAT: Add a custom widget option to the Whatsapp design. This allows user to create same as in whatsapp, a text field with a send button or any other widget they want.

2.6.1 #

  • DOCS: Update README for better image viewing

2.6.0 #

  • FEAT: Added prebuilt design option inspired by WhatsApp design. Now the image editor includes a prebuilt design that closely resembles the visual style of WhatsApp, offering users a familiar and intuitive editing experience.

2.5.8 #

  • CHORE: Dependency updates

2.5.7 #

  • BREAKING FEAT: Changed the way aspect ratios and the initial value are set.
  • BREAKING FEAT: I18n for crop aspect ratios must now be set in the crop-rotate editor configs.

2.5.6 #

  • FEAT: Allow users to set only the required crop aspect ratios. Details in GitHub issue #20

2.5.5 #

  • FIX: Fix flutter analyze tests and format code.

2.5.4 #

2.5.3 #

  • FEAT: Customize dialog colors in Cupertino design. Details in GitHub pull #18

2.5.2 #

  • FIX: The allowCompleteWithEmptyEditing logic was dropped by the committing. Details in GitHub pull #17

2.5.1 #

2.5.0 #

2.4.6 #

  • FEAT: Add Change Font Scale feature to text editor. Details in GitHub pull #14

2.4.5 #

  • FEAT: Add parameter allowCompleteWithEmptyEditing. Details in GitHub pull #11

2.4.4 #

  • FIX: Hotfix for transparent images that are not displaying correctly after crop/rotate. Details in GitHub issue #10

2.4.3 #

  • REFACTOR: Upgrade Flutter to latest version and fix new analyze issues.

2.4.2 #

  • FEAT: Add landscape mode for device orientation, details in GitHub issue #7

2.4.1 #

  • FIX: Hotfix to close the editor with custom parameters, details in GitHub issue #6

2.4.0 #

  • BREAKING CHORE: Updated emoji_picker_flutter dependency to version 2.0.0. This version introduces significant enhancements, including:
    • Improved configuration options for better customization.
    • Addition of a new search function for easier emoji discovery.
    • Expanded design options for enhanced visual appearance.

2.3.2 #

  • STYLE: Enclose if statement in block in pro_image_editor_main.dart

2.3.1 #

2.3.0 #

  • FEAT: Enhance state history management

2.2.3 #

  • FEAT: Improved the fly animation within the Hero widget to provide a smoother and more visually appealing experience.

2.2.2 #

2.2.1 #

2.2.0 #

  • FEAT: Added functionality to extend the bottomAppBar with custom widgets, providing users with more flexibility in customizing the bottom bar.

2.1.1 #

  • STYLE: Improved Dart code formatting

2.1.0 #

  • FEAT: Added functionality to extend the appbar with custom widgets, providing users with more flexibility in customizing the app's header.

2.0.0 #

  • FEAT: Introducing the "Sticker" editor for seamless loading of stickers and widgets directly into the editor.

1.0.3 #

  • DOCS: Update with improved preview image

1.0.2 #

  • FEAT: Improved accessibility: ProImageEditorConfigs is now directly exported for easier integration and usage.

1.0.1 #

  • DOCS: Updated images in for enhanced clarity
  • DOCS: Added documentation to adaptive_dialog.dart for better code understanding
  • STYLE: Formatted Dart code across various modules for improved consistency

1.0.0 #

  • FEAT: PaintingEditor
  • FEAT: TextEditor
  • FEAT: CropRotateEditor
  • FEAT: FilterEditor
  • FEAT: EmojiEditor
pub points



A Flutter image editor: Seamlessly enhance your images with user-friendly editing features.

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#image-editor #image #editor #widget #painting


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BSD-3-Clause (license)


emoji_picker_flutter, flutter, http, image, mime, vibration


Packages that depend on pro_image_editor