prestashop_webservice 0.3.3 copy "prestashop_webservice: ^0.3.3" to clipboard
prestashop_webservice: ^0.3.3 copied to clipboard

A dart package for reading data from prestashop webservices

A dart package for reading data from prestashop webservices

Usage #

import 'package:http/http.dart';
import 'package:prestashop_webservice/prestashop_webservice.dart';

void main() async {
  final api = PrestashopApi(
        apiKey: "your-secret-api-key",
        webserviceUrl: "",

  /* Multiple entities */
  final customers = await api.customers();

  for (final customer in customers) {

  /* Single entity */
  final order = await api.order(7);


Development #

This package uses the build_runner package to generate the json parsing implementation. Before running / compiling the code is important to run the generator. See json_serializable package docs.

Additional information and warning #

This package is at a really early development phase and may not include the prestahop entity to search for or be suitable for production