prefs 4.1.0+3 copy "prefs: ^4.1.0+3" to clipboard
prefs: ^4.1.0+3 copied to clipboard

A Library Package that utilizes the plugin, shared_preferences, to store and read an app’s preferences in both the Android and the iOS platform.

4.1.0+3 #

July 17, 2023

  • Up-to-date with plugin, SharedPreferences: static bool setPrefix(String prefix, {Set
  • sdk: '>=2.18.0 <4.0.0'
  • update LICENSE

4.0.0 #

December 02, 2022

  • static dynamic get(String? key) to static Object? get(String? key)
  • sdk: '>=2.18.5 <3.0.0'

3.5.0 #

March 28, 2022

  • Return default value if _prefsInstance is null in production.
  • initCalled() true if init() was called.
  • ready() true if _prefsInstance is not null.

3.4.0+01 #

January 22, 2022

  • sdk: '>=2.15.1 <3.0.0'
  • static Future
  • key parameter can be null.
  • Improved example app & integration testing
  • include .pubignore

3.3.0 Null safety #

March 04, 2021

  • Upgraded to Dart SDK 2.12.0
  • Migrated the package to null safety thanks to Todd Krokowski

3.2.1 #

June 04, 2020

  • Corrected Apache Licence

3.2.0 #

April 26, 2020

  • Export SharedPreferences

3.1.0 #

March 13, 2020

  • Introduced Prefs.containsKey('key_string') method
  • sdk: '>=2.6.0 <3.0.0'

3.0.1 #

Feb. 03, 2020

  • Important Fix Return 'default value' in 'Future' Preference calls. (i.e. Prefs.getStringF())

3.0.0 #

Apr. 23, 2019

  • Breaking Change Make variable, instance, private with _instance to prevent possible memory leak.

2.1.0 #

Apr. 22, 2019

  • static Future

2.0.0 #

Apr. 22, 2019

  • New getter, prefs, for await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
  • getter allows for Hot Reload
  • Upgrade to shared_preferences 0.5.2

1.0.4 #

Mar. 16, 2019

  • Update the homepage field from pubspec.yaml

1.0.3 #

Mar. 15, 2019

  • sdk: '>=2.1.0 <3.0.0'

1.0.2 #

Feb. ‎28, 2019

  • Flutter format homepage: in pubspec.yaml

1.0.1 #

Feb. ‎28, 2019

  • Provide an example and a test

1.0.0 #

Feb. ‎27, 2019

  • ‎Initial Library Package Release

0.2.0 #

Feb. ‎09, ‎2019

  • static Future

0.1.1 #

Dec. ‎24, ‎2018

  • Update

0.1.0 #

Nov. ‎24, ‎2018

  • Update

0.0.1 #

June ‎2, ‎2018

  • Initial Release
pub points



A Library Package that utilizes the plugin, shared_preferences, to store and read an app’s preferences in both the Android and the iOS platform.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


Apache-2.0 (license)


flutter, shared_preferences, shared_preferences_web


Packages that depend on prefs