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Utility for using Pot in Flutter to limit the lifespan of particular Pots according to the widget lifecycle.

Pub Version pottery CI codecov

Overview #

This package provides two widgets, Pottery and LocalPottery, which manage the lifetime of Pots (single-type DI containers) according to the lifecycle of widgets in Flutter.

Why is this better than the scoping feature of Pot? #

Pot itself from package:pot has the feature of scoping, but it is a package for Dart, not specific to Flutter.

Pottery is a utility that makes up for it. It makes use of the widget lifecycle to limit the scope of Pots. It is more natural in Flutter and less error-prone.

How will this make things better? #

While it is convenient that you can access a Pot stored in a global variable from anywhere, it gives you too much freedom, making you wonder how Pots should be managed in a Flutter app. For example, you may easily lose track of from where in your app code a particular Pot is used.

Pottery makes it possible to manage Pots in a similar manner to using package:provider. See the example described later in this document.

Examples #

Getting started #

  pottery: ^x.x.x

Usage #

Pottery #

Create a Pot as "pending" first if it is not necessary yet at the start of your app. The Pot should usually be assigned to a global variable.

final counterNotifierPot = Pot.pending<CounterNotifier>();

Use Pottery and specify a factory right before you need to start using the Pot.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  // counterNotifierPot does not have a factory yet.
  // Calling `counterNotifierPot()` here throws a PotNotReadyException.


  return Scaffold(
    body: Pottery(
      pots: {
        counterNotifierPot: CounterNotifier.new,
      // The new factory specified in the pots argument above is ready
      // before this builder is called for the first time.
      builder: (context) {
        // Methods and getters of counterNotifierPot are now available.
        final count = counterNotifierPot();

pots is a Map with key-value pairs of a Pot and a factory. Each of the factories becomes available for a corresponding Pot thereafter.

It is easier to understand how to use Pottery by imagining it as something similar to MultiProvider of the provider package, although they internally work quite differently.

  • MultiProvider
    • Creates objects and provides them so that they are available down the tree.
  • Pottery
    • Replaces factories to make Pots ready so that they are available after that point. The widget tree is only used to manage the lifespan of factories and objects in Pots, so Pots are still available outside the tree.

Removing Pottery from the tree (e.g. navigating back from the page where Pottery is used) resets all Pots in the pots map and replaces their factories to throw an PotNotReadyException.


If a target Pot is not pending and an object already exists in it when Pottery is created, Pottery replaces the object as well as the factory immediately.

LocalPottery #

This widget defines new factories for existing Pots to create objects that are available only in the subtree.

An important fact is that the factories of the existing Pots are not replaced, but new separate factories are associated with those Pots for local use only. Therefore, calling a Pot still returns the object held globally in the Pot. Use of() instead to obtain the local object. The example below illustrates the behaviour.

final fooPot = Pot(() => Foo(111));
class ParentWidget extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return LocalPottery(
      pots: {
        fooPot: () => Foo(222),
      builder: (context) {
        print(fooPot()); // 111
        print(fooPot.of(context)); // 222

        return ChildWidget();

class ChildWidget extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    print(fooPot()); // 111
    print(fooPot.of(context)); // 222

See the examples in main2.dart and in the document of LocalPottery for usage in more practical use cases.

Note that there are several important differences between LocalPottery and Pottery:

  • Objects are created immediately when LocalPottery is created, not when objects in Pots are accessed for the first time.
  • As already mentioned, objects created with LocalPottery are only accessible with of().
  • Objects created with LocalPottery are not automatically disposed when the LocalPottery is removed from the tree. Use disposer to specify a callback function to clean them up. Below is an example where the disposer function disposes all ChangeNotifier subtypes.
  pots: {
    myChangeNotifier: () => MyChangeNotifier(),
    intValueNotifier: () => ValueNotifier(111),
  disposer: (pots) {
    pots.values.whereType<ChangeNotifier>().forEach((v) => v.dispose());
  builder: (context) { ... },

Caveats #

Make sure to specify a factory that returns a correct type. #

Key-value pairs passed to pots are not type-safe.

In the following example, a function returning an int value is specified as a new factory of a Pot for String. Although it is obviously wrong, the static analysis does not tell you about the mistake. The error only occurs at runtime.

final stringPot = Pot.pending<String>();
pots: {
  stringPot: () => 123,

DevTools extension #

This package includes the DevTools extension.

To use it, run your app in debug mode with Flutter 3.16 or newer and open the DevTools.

The extension starts when either Pottery or LocalPottery is first used. It is also possible to start it earlier by calling Pottery.startExtension().

Note that updates of objects in Pot are not automatically reflected in the table view until an event of either Pot, Pottery or LocalPottery happens. Press the refresh icon button if you want to see the changes quickly, or use notifyObjectUpdate() on a Pot to manually emit an event to cause a refresh.

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Utility for using Pot in Flutter to limit the lifespan of particular Pots according to the widget lifecycle.

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MIT (license)


flutter, pot


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