pos_printer_helper 1.1.3
pos_printer_helper: ^1.1.3 copied to clipboard
A Flutter package that provides a unified interface for thermal printer operations across multiple POS device manufacturers.
POS Printer Package #
A Flutter package that provides a unified interface for thermal printer operations across multiple POS device manufacturers including Telpo, Senraise, and Sunmi.
Features #
- Compatibility with multiple POS device manufacturers
- Text printing with customizable formatting (bold, italic, size)
- Table printing with customizable column widths and alignments
- Image printing support
- LCD display support for compatible devices (e.g. Sunmi D3 Mini)
- Cash drawer control
- Paper cutting
- ESC/POS command execution
- Printer status monitoring
- Automatic manufacturer detection
Supported Devices #
- Telpo
- Senraise
- Sunmi
Tested on #
- Telpo(M8)
- Senraise(H10s)
- Sunmi(V2,V3 Mix)
Installation #
flutter pub add pos_printer_helper
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Getting Started #
First, import the package:
import 'package:pos_printer/pos_printer.dart';
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Usage #
Basic Printing #
// Print text
PosPrinterPlugin.printText("Hello World!", 27.0, true, false); // bold text
PosPrinterPlugin.printText("Normal text", 27.0, false, false); // normal text
// Feed paper
// Start printing session (required for Telpo printers)
// Release printer
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Table Printing #
// Print a table row
["Item", "Qty", "Price"], // texts
[2, 1, 1], // column widths
[0, 1, 2], // alignments (0: left, 1: center, 2: right)
27 // font size
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Image Printing #
// Print a bitmap image
final Uint8List imageBytes = await loadImage();
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LCD Display (Sunmi D3 Mini 58mm) #
// Display text on 7-segment display
### LCD Display (Sunmi D3 Mini 80/ Telpo M8)
// Display image on LCD
final Uint8List lcdImage = await loadLcdImage();
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Printer Control #
// Set alignment
// Open cash drawer
// Cut paper
// Get printer status
Future<PrinterStatus> status = PosPrinterPlugin.getPrinterStatus();
// Get printer size
Future<PrinterSize> size = PosPrinterPlugin.getPrinterSize();
// Get device manufacturer
Future<DeviceManufacture> manufacturer = PosPrinterPlugin.getDeviceManufacture();
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Cleanup #
Make sure to properly release resources when done:
// Release printer after printing
// De-initialize printer when app is closing
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Contributing #
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
License #
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.