polymerize 0.8.2 copy "polymerize: ^0.8.2" to clipboard
polymerize: ^0.8.2 copied to clipboard

outdatedDart 1 only

An Polymer 2.x support for Dart/DDC

Polymerize - Polymer 2.0 Dart-DDC #

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This package is a community effort to bring support for Polymer 2 and latest HTML standards to Dart (DDC).

It features :

  • support for polymer 2.0.0 (web components 1.0)
  • using DDC to generate ES6 output code
  • leverages html5, a new html lib for Dart based on js interoperability only,
  • using bazel as build system (see also rules )
  • dynamic load of polymer components definitions through imd (require js implementation using html imports)
  • interoperability with other JS frameworks
  • Incremental build (dependencies are built only once, thanks to DDC modularity system and bazel build)
  • possibility to distribute ONLY the build result to thirdy party users and devs
  • simplified API
    • automatic getter and setter (no explicit notify for first level properties)
    • NO Annotations required to expose properties
    • NO Annotations required to expose methods
  • seamless integration with widely used js tools like bower

Disclaimer #

Polymerize works on every platforms where DDC and Bazel runs that's MacOS and Linux for now.

The upcoming version of pub will support DDC build and polymerize will support it too thus extending the platform where you can use it.

Browser compatibility #

Polymerize uses DDC and Polymer-2, this means that it will only work on modern browsers. So far only chrome and firefox have been tested but Safari should work too along with latest IE11 builds.

Eventually some "transpiling" support can be added along with some optimizing post processing (like vulcanize or similar) could be added to the build chain to broaden the compatibility range.

Dazel #

Polymerize doesn't uses dazel for now because it still lacks some feature that are needed for it to work, but the plan is to migrate to dazel as soon as it will be ready.

Usage #

Prepare a project #

In order to build a project must be prepared for polymerize, just issue the following commands:

  1. add a dev dependency to polymerize in your pubspec.yaml
  2. pub get/update to check and resolve the dependencies (like in normal dart projects)

This steps should be repeated every time the dependencies are changed.

Build a project #

  1. pub run polymerize:build this is the actual build

Every time polymerize:build a new bazel configuration is written from scratch and than a new bazel build is run.

Bazel is able to understand what actually has changed and rebuild only what's needed, but this holds for everything but workspaces. In short this means that if you change your code in such a way that could change your bower then you will most probably have to give a bazel clean --expunge in order to force bazel to download the new files.

Developing with polymerize #

Sample project #

A sample project illustrating how to build polymer-2 components using polymerize can be found here :

See the README for more information.

Component definition #

This is a sample component definition:

import 'package:polymer_element/polymer_element.dart';
import 'package:my_component/other_component.dart' show OtherComponent;

abstract class MyTag extends PolymerElement {

  int count = 0;  // <- no need to annotate this !!!

  onClickIt(Event ev,details) {  // <- NO need to annotate this!!!!
    count = count + 1;    // <- no need to call `set` API , magical setter in action here

  void countChanged(val) {
    print("Count has changed : ${count}");

  MyTag() { // <- Use a simple constructor for created callback !!!
    print("HELLO THERE !")

  factory MyTag.tag() => Element.tag('my-tag'); // <- If you want to create it programmatically use this

  connectedCallback() {
    super.connectedCallback(); // <- super MUST BE CALLED if you override this callback (needed by webcomponents v1) !!!!

The Html template is just the usual dom-module template without any JS code. The import dependencies will generate the appropriate html imports so there is no need to add them to the template. The uses attribute of the @PolymerRegister annotation is still there only for cosmetic reasons (this avoids the annoying unused import analyzer warning when a component is imported but referenced only in the html template and not in the dart code, and also the IDE will help you adding the right import).

The index.html should preload imd, webcomponents polyfill and polymer.html (see the demo).

Importing a Bower component #

To import a bower component and use it in your project simply create a stub (that can created automatically, see below) for it and use the @BowerImport annotation along with @PolymerRegister with native=true, for instance:

abstract class PaperButton extends PolymerElement implements imp0.PaperButtonBehavior {
   * If true, the button should be styled with a shadow.
  bool get raised;
  set raised(bool value);


During the build phase polymerize will check any @BowerImport annotation on classes of dependencies, generate a bower.json file (using resolutions if you need to override something) and then runs bower install.

You can also automatically generate a stub from the HTML polymer component using polymerize generate_wrapper, for instance:

pub run polymerize:polymerize generate-wrapper --component-refs comps.yaml --dest-path out -p polymer_elements --bower-needs-map Polymer.IronFormElementBehavior=package:polymer_elements/iron_form_element_behavior.dart

(You have to add polymerize as a dev dependency of your project).

The generator uses a yaml file describing the components to analyze passed through the component-refs options (see gen/comps.yam in this repo for an example).

The project polymerize_elements is an example of wrappers generated using this tool for the polymer-elements components.

Output #

After complilation everything will be found in the bazel output folder (bazel-bin), ready to be used.


  • more polymer APIs
  • support for mixins
  • annotations for properties (computed props, etc.)
  • support for external element wrappers
  • support for auto gen HTML imports
  • support for pub ddc build
  • dazel support