podcast_search 0.7.4 podcast_search: ^0.7.4 copied to clipboard
A library for searching for podcasts and parsing podcast RSS feeds. Supports iTunes and PodcastIndex directories, and newer features such as chapters and transcripts.
0.7.4 #
- Add support for PC2.0
0.7.3 #
- Additional exception handler for certificate issues which then throws PodcastCertificateException.
- Updated Dio dependency to 5.7.0.
0.7.2 #
- Added retry to Apple charts API call to handle intermittent 503 errors.
0.7.1 #
- Add support for PC2.0
0.7.0 #
- Add support for PC2.0
tag (at channel level).
0.6.9 #
- Bug fix: handle empty fields from iTunes and PodcastIndex API call results.
0.6.8 #
- BREAKING CHANGE: Language is now a text parameter (2-3 letter code) rather than enum. This is because iTunes largely ignores language, but PodcastIndex can use it for trending podcasts.
0.6.7 #
- Update example to handle null feed.
- Default podcast image to take iTunes version if available and fallback to channel version to be consistent with episode image handling.
0.6.6 #
- Minor bug fixes to the SRT parser.
0.6.5 #
- Add support for PC2.0
0.6.4 #
- Add support for PC2.0
0.6.3 #
- Bug fix: Handle lookup failures when fetching iTunes charts.
0.6.2 #
- Add support for Podcasting 2.0 GUID tag.
0.6.1 #
- Publication date is now optional.
- Additional exceptions for certificate & general errors.
- Move to Dio 5.x.
0.6.0 #
- Breaking change: Requires Dart 3.0.
- Add support for PC2.0 transcripts.
- Add support for PC2.0 persons.
0.5.5 #
- Improve PC2.0 chapter support.
0.5.4 #
- Add support for PC2.0 Transcripts (json/srt/subrip);
0.5.3 #
- Breaking change: Country class has been replace by Country enum.
- Breaking change: Language class has been replace by Language enum.
- Breaking change: Attribute class has been replace by Attribute enum.
0.5.2 #
- Add support for RSS content tag.
0.5.1 #
- Breaking change: Search provider is now passed when instantiating a Search object, rather than passing one at search time.
- Support for genres across iTunes & PodcastIndex.
0.5.0 #
- Stable null safe release
- Corrected author tag.
0.5.0-pre.2 #
- Add episode level image support via itunes:image tag.
0.5.0-pre.1 #
- Migrate to null-safety version.
0.4.1 #
- Add support for loading local RSS files.
0.4.0 #
- Add support for the podcast namespace (phase 1 tags).
- Add support for loading chapters JSON via url.
- Improve documentation.
0.3.9 #
- Update dependencies
- Add support for searching with PodcastIndex (Preview).
0.3.8 #
- Add optional user defined UserAgent prefix.
0.3.7 #
- Charts can be optionally filtered by genre.
0.3.6 #
- Update dependencies.
0.3.5 #
- Add support for iTunes season and episode tags.
0.3.4 #
- Update dependencies.
0.3.3 #
- If author attribute is not available use the iTunes one instead.
- Replace any dynamic variables with typed equivalent.
- Improve documentation.
0.3.2 #
- Now populates error values in the result set if the connection fails or times out.
- Added missing duration attribute.
- Episode author will use iTunes version if item author is null.
0.3.1 #
- Add support for returning podcast chart.
0.3.0 #
- Fix formatting.
0.2.9 #
- Fix lints for newer version of Pedantic.
0.2.8 #
- Handle null item enclosure.
0.2.7 #
- Add support for standard ISO 8601 publication dates.
0.2.6 #
- Remove redundant new and const keywords.
0.2.5 #
- Updated to latest test package to support Dart 2.6+.
0.2.4 #
- Added guid to Episode entity.
0.2.3 #
- Added missing format from list of possible pubdate formats.
0.2.2 #
- Dropped version of Meta to prevent clash with current SDK.
0.2.1 #
- Corrected issue with dependencies.
0.2.0 #
- Breaking change: Renamed Podcast to Item in search results.
- Added support for parsing a podcast RSS feed and returning podcast and episodes details.
0.1.2 #
- Correct copyright text to fix issues with documentation.
0.1.1 #
- Correct issues reported by health tool.
0.1.0 #
- Initial release.