pluto_filtered_list 0.2.0
pluto_filtered_list: ^0.2.0 copied to clipboard
A List where filters can be applied to the List and elements can be accessed or modified in that state.
PlutoFilteredList - v0.2.0 #
A List where filters can be applied to the List and elements can be accessed or modified in that state.
Pub.Dev #
Check out how to install from the official distribution site.
Issue #
Report any questions or errors.
Todo #
- Not implemented yet.
- removeRange, fillRange, replaceRange.
Done #
var list = FilteredList(initialList: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
- insert : If the filter is applied, the index at which the element is added is adjusted.
list.setFilter((e) => e > 3); // [4, 5] list.insert(0, 35); // [35, 4, 5] list.setFilter(null); // [1, 2, 3, 35, 4, 5] list.insert(0, -1); // [-1, 1, 2, 3, 35, 4, 5]
- removeAt : If the filter is applied, the index at which the element is removed is adjusted.
list.setFilter((e) => e > 3); // [4, 5] list.removeAt(0); // [5] list.setFilter(null); // [1, 2, 3, 5] list.removeAt(0); // [2, 3, 5]
- insertAll : If the filter is applied, the index at which the element is added is adjusted.
list.setFilter((e) => e > 3); // [4, 5] list.insertAll(0, [35, 36, 37]); // [35, 36, 37, 4, 5] list.setFilter(null); // [1, 2, 3, 35, 36, 37, 4, 5] list.insertAll(0, [-1, -2, -3]); // [-1, -2, -3, 1, 2, 3, 35, 36, 37, 4, 5]
- remove : If the filter has been applied, the element is removed from the range where the filter is applied.
list.setFilter((e) => e > 3); // [4, 5] var removedThree = list.remove(3); // false var removedFour = list.remove(4); // true list.setFilter(null); // [1, 2, 3, 5] var removedThreeAgain = list.remove(3); // true
- removeFromOriginal : Removes elements across the entire scope regardless of filter application.
list.setFilter((e) => e > 3); // [4, 5] var removedThree = list.removeFromOriginal(3); // true var removedFour = list.removeFromOriginal(4); // true list.setFilter(null); // [1, 2, 5] var removedThreeAgain = list.removeFromOriginal(3); // false
- removeWhere : If the filter has been applied, the element is removed from the range where the filter is applied.
- removeWhereFromOriginal : Removes elements across the entire scope regardless of filter application.
- retainWhere : If the filter has been applied, the element is retained from the range where the filter is applied.
- retainWhereFromOriginal : Retains elements across the entire scope regardless of filter application.
- clear : If the filter has been applied, the element is cleared from the range where the filter is applied.
- clearFromOriginal : Clears elements across the entire scope.
- removeLast : The last element is deleted while the filter is applied.
- removeLastFromOriginal : Delete the last element from the entire list.
- shuffle : Shuffles elements across the entire scope.
Example #
/// Create an empty list.
var filteredList = FilteredList<String>();
/// Contains the methods of List.
/// add, remove, clear, where, ...
print(filteredList); // ['one']
filteredList.addAll(['two', 'three', 'four', 'five']);
print(filteredList); // ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five']
/// Set the filter.
/// Implement a callback function that returns a bool type.
/// The example filters a string of length 4, as shown below.
filteredList.setFilter((element) => element.length == 4); // ['four', 'five']
/// Only elements of length 4 in the list were filtered out,
/// resulting in the length of the list being 2.
print(filteredList.length); // 2
print(filteredList[0]); // 'four'
print(filteredList[1]); // 'five'
/// You can turn off the filter by passing null to setFilter.
filteredList.setFilter(null); // ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five']
/// The filter is cleared, so the length of the original list is 5.
print(filteredList.length); // 5
print(filteredList[0]); // 'one'
print(filteredList[1]); // 'two'
Pluto series #
develop packages that make it easy to develop admin pages or CMS with Flutter.