platform_ui 0.1.0 copy "platform_ui: ^0.1.0" to clipboard
platform_ui: ^0.1.0 copied to clipboard

Platform specific Widgets and UI toolkit

Platform UI #

by @KRTirtho

Flutter platform specific UI widgets

It mimics the native UI widgets (android, iOS, macOS, linux and windows) as much as possible in Flutter & has a wide collection of platform specific widgets. The names and APIs are similar to Flutter's Material UI widgets to make the Flutter developer feel at home. It's utilizes:

Feature Highlights #

  • Simple and customizable platform specific UI widgets
  • Supports all major platforms (android, iOS, macOS, linux and windows)
  • Exposes the internal API to build widgets on top of it
  • Changeable default TargetPlatform for overriding platform design in another platform (it's crazy but cool)
  • Wide collection of platform specific widgets
  • Widget APIs are similar to Flutter's Material UI widgets
  • Dark Mode support

Install #

Run following in a terminal:

$ flutter pub add platform_ui fluent_ui macos_ui libadwaita adwaita

Preview #

Usage #

Import the package:

import 'package:platform_ui/platform_ui.dart';

Example #

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:platform_ui/platform_ui.dart';

void main() {

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return PlatformApp(
      title: 'Platform UI',
      home: MyHomePage(),

class MyHomePage extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return PlatformScaffold(
      appBar: PlatformAppBar(
        title: Text('Platform UI'),
      body: Center(
        child: PlatformText(
          'Hello World',
          style: TextStyle(fontSize: 30),

Documentation #

Screenshots #

Desktop (Linux → Macos → Windows) #


Mobile (Android → iOS) #


Support #

If you like this project, please consider supporting it by:

  • Starring and sharing the project
  • Following @KrTirtho on Twitter
  • Buying us a coffee ☕️

License #