platform_detail 4.2.0 copy "platform_detail: ^4.2.0" to clipboard
platform_detail: ^4.2.0 copied to clipboard

A lightweight library to obtain details of the current platform in a much more complete and simple way.

Platform Detail Logo

Platform Detail

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A lightweight Flutter package that provides an easy and optimized way to retrieve details about the platform it’s running on. It supports multiple platforms, including mobile, desktop, and web.

Using #

The easiest way to use this library is to call the PlatformDetail class as follows. Multiple instances are not being created since thanks to a factory constructor it always returns an internal singleton.

Detecting by type of platform #

If you just need to know if it's mobile, desktop, web, or even desktop/web. You will love:

import 'package:platform_detail/platform_detail.dart';

void main() {
  if (PlatformDetail.isMobile) {
    print('The current platform is Mobile');

  if (PlatformDetail.isDesktopOrWeb) {
    print('The current platform is Desktop or Web');

  if (PlatformDetail.isDesktop) {
    print('The current platform is Desktop');

  if (PlatformDetail.isWeb) {
    print('The current platform is web');
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In addition, you can also use the enum in the PlatformGroup to which it belongs. That is, if it is web, mobile or desktop:

void main() {
  switch (PlatformDetails.currentGroupPlatform) {
      print('The current group platform is mobile');
    case PlatformGroup.web:
      print('The current group platform is web');
    case PlatformGroup.desktop:
      print('The current group platform is desktop');
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Detecting by single platform #

If instead you want to ask individually for each platform supported by Flutter:

void main() {
  if (PlatformDetail.isIOS) {
    print('The current platform is iOS');

  if (PlatformDetail.isAndroid) {
    print('The current platform is Android');

  if (PlatformDetail.isFuchsia) {
    print('The current platform is Fuchsia');

  if (PlatformDetail.isWindows) {
    print('The current platform is Windows');

  if (PlatformDetail.isLinux) {
    print('The current platform is Linux');

  if (PlatformDetail.isMacOS) {
    print('The current platform is macOS');
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Get a device description #

If you need more detailed information about the device and operating system it is running on.

void main() async {
  final descriptionDevice = await PlatformDetail.deviceInfo();
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Or maybe you need an information string about the device info:

void main() async {
  final descriptionDevice = await PlatformDetail.deviceInfoDetails();
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This will return something like this:

  • Android: Android 9 (SDK 28), Xiaomi Redmi Note 7
  • iOS: iOS 13.1, iPhone 11 Pro Max iPhone
  • Web: Google Chrome (115.0.5790.170)
  • Linux: Fedora 17 (Beefy Miracle)
  • Windows: Windows 10 Home (1903)
  • MacOS: macOS 13.5, MacBook Pro

Light/Dark Mode #

You can detect too if the device is configured in light or dark mode:

void main() {
  if (PlatformDetail.isLightMode) {
    print('The current platform is configured with light mode');

  if (PlatformDetail.isDarkMode) {
    print('The current platform is configured with dark mode');
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Also, you can use the DeviceTheme enum for this:

void main() {
  if (PlatformDetail.theme == DeviceTheme.light) {
    print('The current device is configured in light mode');

  if (PlatformDetail.theme == DeviceTheme.dark) {
    print('The current device is configured in dark mode');
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Weekly Downloads

2024.08.21 - 2025.03.05

A lightweight library to obtain details of the current platform in a much more complete and simple way.

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


MIT (license)


device_info_plus, flutter


Packages that depend on platform_detail