pkpass 2.1.4 copy "pkpass: ^2.1.4" to clipboard
pkpass: ^2.1.4 copied to clipboard

A Dart native passbook parsing library supporting checksum verification, barcode parsing, localization and much more.

pkpass #

A Dart native pkpass parsing library.

See a demo ? Check out fWallet web [link to repo] !

Features #

  • no platform specific dependencies - pure Dart
  • parse any passbook file as blob
  • checksum verification
  • extract metadata
  • high level lookup for assets by locale and scale, with proper fallbacks
  • high level barcode API
  • No dependency on dart:io or dart:ui runs everywhere, from CLI to Flutter

Not supported (yet) #

Some parts of the passbook specification are either not yet implemented, or not planned, such as:

  • signature: The detached PKCS #7 signature using Apple certificates of the manifest. Note: Checksums are checked. - Not planned, feel free to contribute.
  • nfc: Card payment information for Apple Pay. - Not planned, feel free to contribute.
  • webService: Only pull to refresh supported. Push service not implemented yet. - Planned, feel free to contribute.

Localizations #

This package aims to implement pkpass localizations as well as possible. Any localizable value can be accessed using a getLocalized... method, e.g. myPass.getLocalizedDescription() taking a Locale as argument. In case the requested locale is not available, the following fallbacks are used:

  • en - English, any
  • zh - Chinese, generic language group
  • hi - Hindi
  • es - Spanish
  • fr - French
  • In case neither available, take just any language you can find. We are likely dealing with a local product then.

The used fallback languages are the five mostly understood languages in the world, feel free to propose better or more precise fallback mechanisms.

Barcode encodings #

The passbook standard is quite vague about the Barcode String encoding used. Technically, all IANA character set names are allowed. Since this might be some overhead to implement, the following encoders are supported by default:

  • Latin1Codec (default according to passbook spec) - iso-8859-1, also fallback onto iso-8859 and iso8859
  • Utf8Codec (most common one) - utf-8, also fallback onto utf8

The supported encoders can be extended by adding a String Encoder pair to PassBarcode.supportedCodecs.

Dependencies and compatibility #

Any package should keep its dependencies as minimal as possible. Sometimes, there are specifications making this difficult. The passbook spec unfortunately is a very complex one, requiring support of many standards and formats.

The following dependencies are used to correctly parse the PkPass file into a relevant Dart representation.

  • pub:archive: The PkPass file itself is a ZIP archive, used to parse the raw bytes.
  • pub:barcode: Used to provide high-level access to barcode generation with the proper encoding supported.
  • pub:charset: Used to gather the character encoding of files in the PkPass archives.
  • pub:crypto: Used for SHA1 signature verification as defined in the PkPass spec.
  • pub:intl: Used for localization lookup of localizable resources like Strings or assets.

Getting started #

import 'dart:io';

import 'package:intl/locale.dart';
import 'package:pkpass/pkpass.dart';

Future<int> main(List<String> args) async {
  print('Using first argument or stdin file name: ');
  final path = args.singleOrNull ?? stdin.readLineSync();
  if (path == null || path.isEmpty) {
    print('Please enter a file name or provide it as single argument.');
    return 1;

  final file = File(path);
  final contents = await file.readAsBytes();

  final pass = await PassFile.parse(contents);

  final logo = pass.getLogo(
    scale: 2,
    locale: Locale.fromSubtags(languageCode: 'fr'),

  print('Logo image blob length: ${logo?.length}');

  return 0;

copied to clipboard

Additional information #

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License : EUPL-1.2




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2024.08.26 - 2025.03.10

A Dart native passbook parsing library supporting checksum verification, barcode parsing, localization and much more.

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#wallet #pkpass #passbook


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EUPL-1.2 (license)


archive, barcode, charset, crypto, http, intl


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