barcode 2.2.9
barcode: ^2.2.9 copied to clipboard
Barcode generation library for Dart that can generate generic drawing operations for any backend.
barcode #
Barcode generation library for Dart that can generate generic drawing operations for any backend.
- If you are looking to print barcodes, use pub:pdf.
- If you want to display barcodes in a Flutter application, use pub:barcode_widget.
- To generate SVG barcodes see the example tab.
- To generate barcodes in images, use pub:barcode_image.
- Live example with Flutter Web:
They all use this library to generate the drawing operations.
Interactive demo:
This library is the base to create flutter widgets or pdf barcodes. It depends only on dart with no platform-dependent implementation.
Only two basic drawing primitives are required:
- Filled rectangle to draw the bars
- Text drawing to display the code in full-text
Generate barcodes #
// Create a DataMatrix barcode
final dm = Barcode.dataMatrix();
// Generate a SVG with "Hello World!"
final svg = bc.toSvg('Hello World!', width: 200, height: 200);
// Save the image
await File('barcode.svg').writeAsString(svg);
copied to clipboard
Create a WIFI configuration barcode:
// Create a DataMatrix barcode
final dm = Barcode.dataMatrix();
final me = MeCard.wifi(
ssid: 'Wifi Name',
password: 'password',
// Generate a SVG with a barcode that configures the wifi access
final svg = bc.toSvg(me.toString(), width: 200, height: 200);
// Save the image
await File('wifi.svg').writeAsString(svg);
copied to clipboard
Supported barcodes #
The following barcode images are SVG. The proper rendering, especially text, depends on the browser implementation and availability of the fonts.