pip_services3_commons 1.1.7 copy "pip_services3_commons: ^1.1.7" to clipboard
pip_services3_commons: ^1.1.7 copied to clipboard

Common patterns for Pip.Services in Dart. This framework is part of the [Pip.Services](https://github.com/pip-services/pip-services) project.


Examples for Commons #

It provides portable abstractions and patterns that can be used to implement non-trivial business logic in applications and services.

This framework's key difference is its portable implementation across a variety of different languages. It currently supports Java, .NET, Python, Node.js, Dart, and Golang. The code provides a reasonably thin abstraction layer over most fundamental functions and delivers symmetric implementation that can be quickly ported between different platforms.

The framework's functionality is decomposed into several packages:

  • Commands - commanding and eventing patterns
  • Example:

var command = Command('name', null, CommandExec());
var map = {};
map[8] = 'title 8';
map[11] = 'title 11';
var param = Parameters(map);
var result = await command.execute('a', param); // Result 123

  • Config - configuration framework
  • Example:
var config = ConfigParams.fromTuples([

config.get('Section1.Key1'); // 'Value1'
config.get('Section1.Key2'); // 'Value2'
config.get('Section1.Key3'); // 'Value3'
config.get('Section1.Key4'); //  null
  • Convert - soft value converters
  • Example:
StringConverter.toNullableString(null);     // null);
StringConverter.toNullableString([1, 2, 3]);// '1,2,3';
StringConverter.toString2('xyz');           // 'xyz'
StringConverter.toString2(123);             // '123'
StringConverter.toString2(true);            // 'true'
  • Data - data patterns
  • Example:
var array = AnyValueArray();
array = AnyValueArray([1, 2, 3]);
array = AnyValueArray.fromString('Fatal,Error,Info,', ',');

  • Errors - application errors
  • Example:
ApplicationException _appEx;
Exception _ex;
var Category = 'category';
var CorrelationId = 'correlationId';
var Code = 'code';
var Message = 'message';
_ex = Exception('Cause exception');
_appEx = ApplicationException(Category, CorrelationId, Code, Message);
var newCorrelationId = 'newCorrelationId';
var appEx = _appEx.withCorrelationId(newCorrelationId);
  • Random - random data generators
  • Example:
var value = RandomInteger.nextInteger(5);
value = RandomInteger.nextInteger(2, 5);
var interval = RandomDuration.nextDuration(
          Duration(milliseconds: 10000), Duration(milliseconds: 15000));
var value = RandomBoolean.chance(5, 10);
var array = [1, 2];
var value = RandomArray.pick<int>(array);
  • Refer - locator (IoC) pattern
  • Example:
var descriptor =
          Descriptor('pip-dummies', 'controller', 'default', 'default', '1.0');
var res = descriptor.toString(); // pip-dummies:controller:default:default:1.0

var ref1 = {'test': 'val1'};
      var ref2 = {'temp': 'value'};
      var refs = References.fromTuples([
            'pip-services-commons', 'reference', 'object', 'ref2', '1.0'),
 var resolver = DependencyResolver.fromTuples([
        Descriptor('pip-services-commons', 'reference', '*', '*', '*')

resolver.getOneRequired('ref1'); // ref1
resolver.getOneRequired('ref2'); // ref2
resolver.getOneOptional('ref3'); // null

  • Reflect - reflection framework
  • Example:
var obj = TestClass();
var value = ObjectReader.getProperty(obj, 'privateField'); // null

value = ObjectReader.getProperty(obj, 'publicField'); // 'ABC'
value = ObjectReader.getProperty(obj, 'PublicProp');  // not null
  • Run - execution framework
  • Example:
// FixedRateTimer
class TestTimer implements INotifiable {
  int counter = 0;
  void notify(String? correlationId, Parameters args) {

var notifier = TestTimer();
var timer = FixedRateTimer(notifier, 100, 0);
// Parameters
var result = Parameters.fromTuples(['value1', 123, 'value2', 234]);
var defaults = Parameters.fromTuples(['value2', 432, 'value3', 345]);
result = result.setDefaults(defaults, false);
result['value1'] // 123
result['value2'] // 234
result['value3'] // 345

  • Validate - validation framework
  • Example:
class TestObject {
  TestObject() {
    mapProperty['Key1'] = 111;
    mapProperty['Key2'] = 222;

  int _privateField = 124;
  String _privateProperty = 'XYZ';

  int intField = 12345;
  String stringProperty = 'ABC';
  dynamic nullProperty;
  List<int> intArrayProperty = [1, 2, 3];
  List<String> stringListProperty = ['AAA', 'BBB'];
  Map<String, int> mapProperty = {};
  TestSubObject subObjectProperty = TestSubObject('1');
  List<TestSubObject> subArrayProperty = [
var schema = ObjectSchema()

var obj = TestObject();
var results = schema.validate(obj); // results.length is 0, all rules good

In the help for each class there is a general example of its use. Also one of the quality sources are the source code for the tests.

pub points


verified publisherentinco.com

Common patterns for Pip.Services in Dart. This framework is part of the [Pip.Services](https://github.com/pip-services/pip-services) project.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference




analyzer, uuid


Packages that depend on pip_services3_commons