pip_clients_msgtemplates 1.0.0 copy "pip_clients_msgtemplates: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
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Clients for Message Templates microservice for Pip.Services in Dart. It shows to users inspirational msgtemplates on various topics.


Examples for MessageTemplates Microservice #

This is msgtemplates microservice from Pip.Services library. It shows to users inspirational msgtemplates on various topics.

Define client configuration parameters that match the configuration of the microservice's external API

// Client configuration
var httpConfig = ConfigParams.fromTuples(
	"connection.protocol", "http",
	"connection.host", "localhost",
	"connection.port", 8080

Instantiate the client and open connection to the microservice

// Create the client instance
var client = TemplatesHttpClientV1(config);

// Configure the client

// Connect to the microservice
  await client.open(null)
}catch() {
  // Error handling...
// Work with the microservice
// ...

Now the client is ready to perform operations

// Create a new msgtemplate
final TEMPLATE = MessageTemplateV1(
    id: '1',
    name: 'template1',
    from: null,
    subject: MultiString({ 'en': 'Text 1' }),
    text: MultiString({ 'en': 'Text 1' }),
    html: MultiString({ 'en': 'Text 1' }),
    status: MessageTemplateStatusV1.Completed);

    // Create the msgtemplate
    try {
      var msgtemplate = await client.createTemplate('123', TEMPLATE);
      // Do something with the returned msgtemplate...
    } catch(err) {
      // Error handling...     
// Get the msgtemplate
try {
var msgtemplate = await client.getTemplateByIdOrName(
    // Do something with msgtemplate...

    } catch(err) { // Error handling}

In the help for each class there is a general example of its use. Also one of the quality sources are the source code for the tests.