pip_clients_activities 1.1.0 copy "pip_clients_activities: ^1.1.0" to clipboard
pip_clients_activities: ^1.1.0 copied to clipboard

Clients Party Activities microservice for Pip.Services in Dart


Examples for Party Activities Microservice #

This is a party activity logging microservice from Pip.Services library. It logs important party activities like signups, signins, creation, changes or deletion of data items and so on.

Define configuration parameters that match the configuration of the microservice's external API

// Service/Client configuration
var httpConfig = ConfigParams.fromTuples(
	"connection.protocol", "http",
	"connection.host", "localhost",
	"connection.port", 8080

Instantiate the client and open connection to the microservice

// Create the client instance
var client = ActivitiesHttpClientV1(config);

// Configure the client

// Connect to the microservice
  await client.open(null)
}catch() {
  // Error handling...
// Work with the microservice
// ...

Now the client is ready to perform operations

// Create a new activity
final ACTIVITY = PartyActivityV1({
        type: 'signup',
        party: {
            id: '123',
            name: 'Test User'

    // Create the activity
    try {
      var activity = await client.logPartyActivity('123', ACTIVITY);
      // Do something with the returned activity...
    } catch(err) {
      // Error handling...     
// Get the list of activities for 'My Samples' product
var now = Date();
try {
var page = await client.getPartyActivities(
        party_id: '123',
        from_time: Date(now.getTime() - 24 * 3600 * 1000),
        to_time: now
        total: true,
        skip: 0,
        take: 10
    // Do something with page...

    } catch(err) { // Error handling}

In the help for each class there is a general example of its use. Also one of the quality sources are the source code for the tests.