pinput 2.2.1
pinput: ^2.2.1 copied to clipboard
Pin code input (OTP) text field, iOS SMS autofill, Android SMS autofill One Time Code, Password, Passcode, Captcha, Security, Coupon, Wowcher, 2FA, Two step verification
2.2.1 -17/03/2022 #
Added Android SMS Autofill support
Property | Meaning/Default |
androidSmsAutofillMethod | Options to enable SMS autofill on Android |
smsCodeMatcher | Used to extract code from SMS for Android Autofill if [androidSmsAutofillMethod] is enabled |
2.1.4 -06/03/2022 #
Updated docs
Property | Meaning/Default |
Validator | To validate Pinput with or without Form |
pinputAutovalidateMode | PinputAutovalidateMode.onSubmit |
errorBuilder | To build custom error widget under the Pinput |
errorTextStyle | Standard error text style, displayed under the Pinput |
toolbarEnabled | If true, paste button will appear on longPress, doubleTap event / true |
forceErrorState | If true [errorPinTheme] will be applied and [errorText] will be displayed under the Pinput / false |
errorText | Text displayed under the Pinput if Pinput is invalid |
2.0.4 -03/03/2022 #
- Updated docs
- Added onLongPress
2.0.3 -02/03/2022 #
- Updated readme.
2.0.2 -25/02/2022 #
Sorry guys this version will break your code 💙 Introduced PinTheme class to control state of the individual pin easily, see readme's Getting Started section for examples.
- Refactored, renamed some properties.
- Added new Pinput examples
- With long press user can paste from clipboard
Changes #
Old | New |
onSubmit | onCompleted |
fieldsCount | length |
obscureText | obscuringCharacter |
obscureText | obscuringCharacter |
eachFieldHeight | PinTheme.height |
eachFieldWidth | PinTheme.width |
eachFieldConstraints | PinTheme.constraints |
disabledDecoration | PinTheme.disabledPinTheme |
followingFieldDecoration | PinTheme.followingPinTheme |
selectedFieldDecoration | PinTheme.focusedPinTheme |
submittedFieldDecoration | PinTheme.submittedPinTheme |
eachFieldMargin | PinTheme.margin |
eachFieldPadding | PinTheme.padding |
1.2.1 -10/09/2021 #
🔥🚀 Merged PRs and Fixed common issues
1.2.0 -03/13/2021 #
Now PinPut supports custom numpad.(See demos)
Added checkClipboard
1.1.0 -03/02/2021 #
🔥🚀 Migrated to Null safety
1.0.0 -01/14/2021 #
Updated Example, Increased package version to 1.0.0
in order to make it more trustful
0.2.6 -10/09/2020 #
Added cursor
, preFilledWidget
, mainAxisSize
and autovalidateMode
0.2.5 -08/30/2020 #
0.2.4 -05/19/2020 #
🔥🚀 Fixed Focus problems. Updated readme.
0.2.3 -04/12/2020 #
🔥🚀 Fixed Focus on click after back button click
0.2.2 -04/09/2020 #
🔥🚀 Fixed Demo urls
0.2.1 -04/09/2020 #
🔥🚀 Minor fixes and demos
0.2.0 -04/07/2020 #
🔥🚀 Added some useful Documentation
0.2.0-dev.1 -04/07/2020 #
🔥🚀 Breaking changes, changed widget building logic so now it supports:
- Backspace on keyboard
- Every pixel customization
- Nice animations
- Form validation
- Ios auto fill - testing needed
0.1.10 -02/08/2019 #
👍 With the help of community: @xportation
- Added Set autofocus on the first field when the attribute is defined|
0.1.9 -07/02/2019 #
- Added
Property | Default/Meaning |
onClear | Clear button callback |
0.1.8 -06/14/2019 #
👍 With the help of community: @datvo0110, @almeynman
- Fixed minor bugs
- Added
Property | Default/Meaning |
containerHeight | 100.0 |
0.1.7 -05/12/2019 #
👍 With the help of community: @datvo0110, @mwgriffiths88, @inromualdo
- Fixed minor bugs, check clipboard when app is resumed...
- Added Properties ability to hide keyboard & custumize more
Property | Default/Meaning |
textCapitalization | TextCapitalization.none |
0.1.6 -01/17/2019 #
- Added Properties ability to hide keyboard & custumize more
Property | Default/Meaning |
clearButtonIcon | Icon(Icons.backspace, size: 30) |
pasteButtonIcon | Icon(Icons.content_paste, size: 30) |
unFocusWhen | Default is False, True to hide keyboard |
textStyle | TextStyle(fontSize: 30) |
spaceBetween | space between fields Default: 10.0 |
inputDecoration | Ability to style field's border, padding etc... |
0.1.5 - 12/17/2018 #
- Added Copy From Clipboard functionality if copied text length is equal to fields count
Property | Default |
pasteButtonIcon | Icons.content_paste |
*Note that
clearButtonEnabled will change with actionButtonEnabled in next release, right now if it is true both clear and paste functinality works
0.1.4 - 10/31/2018 #
- Added
Property | Default |
autoFocus | true |
0.1.3+1 - 11026/2018 #
- Minor fixes
0.1.3 - 10/26/2018 #
- Transformed plugin to MVVM pattern
- Fixed onSubmit call when all fields aren't filled
- Updated Demo
- Added
Property | Default |
clearButtonIcon | Icons.backspace |
clearButtonEnabled | true |
clearButtonColor | 0xFF66BB6A |
0.1.2 - 10/24/2018 #
- Added
Property | Default |
borderRadius | 5.0 |
keybaordType | number |
keyboardAction | next |
0.1.1 - 10/24/2018 #
- Added
Property | Default |
onSubmit | Function |
fieldsCount | 4 |
isTextObscure | false |
fontSize | 40.0 |
0.0.1 - 10/24/2018 #
- Initial release, working base functionality