pin_code_fields 2.2.1 copy "pin_code_fields: ^2.2.1" to clipboard
pin_code_fields: ^2.2.1 copied to clipboard


A flutter package which will help you to generate pin code fields. Can be useful for OTP for example.

[2.2.1] - Reformatted the code, made the whole widget clickable

[2.2.0+4] - Documentation updated

[2.2.0+3] - Documentation updated

[2.2.0+2] - Allowed transparent background color

[2.2.0+1] - Documentation updated

[2.2.0] #

Better performance overall

Features ✨ #

  • Colors:
    • selectedColor is the color set on the current index. Default is
    • disabledColor is the color if the TextField is disabled. Default is Colors.grey
  • Optional focusNode can be passed to the constructor to manage it from outside.
    • Added a listener to the focusNode which triggers a rebuild on every change so it'll reflect the correct color on each pin.
  • Added a new constructor parameter called enabled. Default is true
  • Added an optional constructor parameter: void Function(String) onCompleted. which triggers when all fields are filled.

Fixes 🐛 #

  • Colors:
    • activeColor and inactiveColor were swapped
  • Keyboard does not show up onTap #4

Breaking changes ⚠️ #

  • Renamed currentText to onChanged

[2.1.1] - Fixed bug regarding ios autofill not triggering currentText callback

[2.1.0] #

New Features 🥁🥁 #

  • Added otp code pasting by pressing and holding the fields.
  • iOS autofill support
  • Revamped the example app with flare animation.
  • Minor bug fixes

[2.0.4] - Added autofocus option and fixed bug regarding ugly cursor.

[2.0.3] - Fixed bug regarding keyboard not showing up after dismissing it.

[2.0.2] - Minor fixes.

[2.0.1] - Minor fixes.

[2.0.0] #

New Features 🥁🥁 #

  • Added new parameters such as backgroundColor, borderRadius, fieldHeight, fieldWidth, mainAxisAlignment, activeColor, inactiveColor, borderWidth, animationType, animationDuration, animationCurve, textInputType

  • Supports animation while changing value of pin code field field

  • Pressing backspace will focus the previous pin code field

Breaking Changes 😥😥 #

  • Removed onDone and onErrorCheck callbacks

  • Removed shouldTriggerFucntions stream

  • Removed Functions enum

  • Changed PinCodeFieldShape.round to

  • Can not focus on individual pin code field anymore

[1.1.2] - Minor fixes.

[1.1.1] - Minor fixes.

[1.1.0] - Added onDone and onError callbacks. Added 3 different types of shapes with custom TextStyle #

[1.0.4] - Minor typo fixes.

[1.0.3] - Added more documentations.

[1.0.2] - Updated readme.

[1.0.1] - Changed gif file location.

pub points



A flutter package which will help you to generate pin code fields. Can be useful for OTP for example.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)




Packages that depend on pin_code_fields