persister 1.0.1 copy "persister: ^1.0.1" to clipboard
persister: ^1.0.1 copied to clipboard


Persister allows you to increase your performance when using MySql on dart servers, providing an easy API.


import 'package:persister/persister.dart';

//This is a sample class using Persister.
//Though the order of the attributes of a class does not matter,
//It's very important to define the primary key fieldname at the first position of columns array, within super constructor
//Also, you have to define the primary key value at the first position of the values getter array.

//values and columns need to have the same order. This mean they have to be related by position
//for example if I had:
// values: [1, 'Raul']
// columns: ['id', 'name']
// the first position (0) of both arrays corresponds to the fieldname id and the value 1.
// the second position (1) corresponds to fieldname 'name' and value 'raul'.
//You have to respect the order. Maybe in  the future the arrays're being replaced by a Map...

//So, the super construction will have metadata about the table: name, fieldnames and if the pk field is auto_incrementable
//you have to
class Test extends Persister<Test> {
  //id is the primary key of test table
  int id;
  String text;
  //be sure to declare the id field in the first position of the columns array
  Test({ = -1, required this.text})
      : super(
            columns: ['id', 'text'],
            table: 'test',
            isIdAutoIncrementable: true);

  //fromMap and toMap methods, you maybe want to implement then!
  static Test fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map) =>
      Test(id: map['id'], text: map['text']);
  Map<String, dynamic> toMap() => {'id': id, 'text': text};

  String toString() => 'Test(id: $id, text: $text)';

  //be sure to declare de id value in the first position of the values array
  List<dynamic> get values => [id, text];

//Now we have prepared the model let's start with the use of this pacakge, but first there's one thing you have to do
//As this library uses mysql_manager dependency, written also by me, you need to configure the .env file at the root of your
//project. This .env file can contain the properties you desire. However the following are needed in order to connect to your

// host=YOUR_DB_HOST
// password=YOUR_MYSQL_PASS

//WHEN THIS .env file is well configured you can use Persister as shown within main function.
void main() async {
  Test test = Test(text: 'this is a new test');
  //save method will return a Map<String,dynamic>. You can concatenate this with deserialize()
  //In order to parse this Map into a Test object (or the Model you are using with Persister)
  //AutoIncrementable primary keys will be returned with the save method.
  test = await => Test.fromMap(map));

  //Using toMap method updates the data of the correct row inside your db.
  test.text = 'updated the new test';
  await test.update();

  //selecting data
  //For selecting data we use the static methods from Persister
  //Again, deserialize will return a callback containin every fetched row as a Map. You can use
  // that map in order to parse the data directly to a List of Models you're using.

  //Deleting one element
  await test.delete();

  //Using the nativeQuery
  //You can use your own sql queries with the folling static method from Persister
  //And again, deserialize allow you to easily parse the Results into a model you have defined.
  List<Test> testsNative =
      await Persister.nativeQuery(sql: 'select * from test')
          .deserialize((map) => Test.fromMap(map));
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Persister allows you to increase your performance when using MySql on dart servers, providing an easy API.

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