mysql_manager 1.1.0 copy "mysql_manager: ^1.1.0" to clipboard
mysql_manager: ^1.1.0 copied to clipboard

MySQLManager is a dependency thought to be used as a controller for the connection to MySql.

MySQLManager is a dependency thought to be used as a controller for the connection to a MySQL or MariaDB database. It used the dependency mysql1 as the driver for the database connection. Connect to your database with only configuring a simple .env file!

Features #

Connect to a MySQL database with a .env file and manage the connection easily. Also, you can pass the credentials as a Map, but is much easier to use the .env file.

Getting started #

You only have to setup your .env file at the root of your app img

Once you have this configuration of above you can read Usage.

Usage #

import 'package:mysql_manager/src/mysql_manager.dart';

// ignore: slash_for_doc_comments
 *                                           *
 *  Visit the test folder at the github repo *
 *  in order to check if your .env file is   *
 *  well configured.                         *
 * *
 *                                           *

void main() async{

  //There's two ways to stablish a connection to MySQL using this dependency
  //1. With a .env file 
  //You're suposed to create a .env file at the root of your application
  //This file will have the following structure (adding more properties IS NOT problematic)

//Once the .env file contains the credentials you can connect as easy as the following:

//The only way to instanciate MySQLManager is with the instance getter
final MySQLManager manager = MySQLManager.instance;
//initialize the connection. Init method will return a MySqlConnection object
final conn = await manager.init();
//you can pass sql to the query method
final results = await conn.query('select * from test');
//results will be a iterator,so is possible to loop over it
for (var r in results){
  //returns data in Map<String,dynamic> format

await conn.close();
//also you can use await manager.close();

//2. Using the configuration map. This method is the same as the first with a little variation
//final conn = await manager.init(false, {'db'='YOUR_DB', 'host': 'YOUR_HOST', 'user':'YOUR_USER', 'password':'YOUR_PASSWORD', 'port': port}); //=> port is an integer, be careful

pub points


unverified uploader

MySQLManager is a dependency thought to be used as a controller for the connection to MySql.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)




Packages that depend on mysql_manager