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Simple PayU integration using WebView. Flexible and easy to set up.

payu_payment #

Simple PayU integration for Flutter.

Usage #

For now, you can use PayUWebView widget to build your PayU WebView. First you need to:

  1. create and configure PayUFlutter object
  2. create and place PayUOrder using using prepareOrder method
  3. pass response from prepareOrder it to PayUWebView widget.

Example: #

Crating and configure PayUFlutter object #

 PayUFlutter payuFlutter = PayUFlutter(
    clientId: 1,
    clientSecret: 'SECRET',
    isProduction: false,

Create and place PayUOrder using using prepareOrder method #

  PayUOrder order = PayUOrder(
      posId: 398870,
      description: 'ZAKUPY',
      currencyCode: 'PLN',
      buyer: PayUBuyer(
        email: '',
        firstName: 'null',
        language: 'pl',
        lastName: 'null',
        phone: '555555555',
      products: [
          name: 'poo',
          unitPrice: 100,
          quantity: 10,
    PayUOrderResponse payUOrderResponse = await payuFlutter.prepareOrder(order);

Pass response from prepareOrder it to PayUWebView widget. #

        builder: (WebViewController controller, Widget child) {
            return child;
        orderResponse: payUOrderResponse,
        redirectUrl: redirectUrl,
        onPaymentEnd: (bool paymentSuccessful) {
          // If you don't override onPaymentEnd method that Navigator pop will be done by default

  • builder- required - builder is public in order to access WebViewController. This allows devs to wrap child with some widgets that provide features like reload, refresh go back etc. See WebViewController documentation

  • orderResponse - required - PayUOrderResponse - response object from payuFlutter.prepareOrder(order);

  • onPaymentEnd - optional - Function(bool) - by default it does Navigator.of(context).pop(); but you can override this behavior

  • customLoadingWidget - optional - Widget - Shows when webView is loading. By default it's CircularProgressIndicator

  • redirectUrl - required - String - Redirect url is a crucial part of payu_payment is setting. It needs to be the same url as in PayU shop Website address *:(shown on screenshot). That URL is where the PayU flow ends in the WebView. The plugin uses that to detect when user payment was successful.

'payU screen

See example where I implemented 2 different flows of displaying the WebView. Remember to place there your valid PayU account settings

pub points



Simple PayU integration using WebView. Flexible and easy to set up.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


MIT (license)


flutter, http, webview_flutter


Packages that depend on payu_payment