parsec 0.3.1 copy "parsec: ^0.3.1" to clipboard
parsec: ^0.3.1 copied to clipboard

Multi-platform `parsec` plugin for Flutter to calculate math equations using C++ library. Supports android.

parsec package publisher pub package #

The multi-platform parsec plugin for Flutter to calculate math equations using C++ library.

Platform Support #

Android iOS Windows Linux MacOS Web
✔️ ❌️ ✔️ ✔️ ❌️ ❌️

Usage #

To use this plugin, add parsec as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

Example #

import 'package:parsec/parsec.dart';

void main() {
    final Parsec parsec = Parsec();
    dynamic result;

    try {
        result = await parsec.eval('5*5 + 5!');
    } catch (e) {
        result = e.toString();

Here are examples of equations which are accepted by the parsec #

final Parsec parsec = Parsec();

# Simple Math equations
parsec.eval('(5 + 1) + (6 - 2)')  # result => 10
parsec.eval('4 + 4 * 3')          # result => 16
parsec.eval('10.5 / 5.25')        # result => 2
parsec.eval('abs(-5)')            # result => 5
parsec.eval('sqrt(16) + cbrt(8)') # result => 6
parsec.eval('log10(10)')          # result => 1
parsec.eval('round(4.4)')         # result => 4
parsec.eval('(3^3)^2')            # result => 729
parsec.eval('3^(3^(2))')          # result => 19683
parsec.eval('10!')                # result => 3628800
parsec.eval('string(10)')         # result => "10"

# Complex Math equations
parsec.eval('log10(10) + ln(e) + log(10)')       # result => 4.30259
parsec.eval('sin(1) + cos(0) + tan(0.15722)')    # result => 2.0
parsec.eval('max(1, 2) + min(3, 4) + sum(5, 6)') # result => 16
parsec.eval('avg(9, 9.8, 10)')                   # result => 9.6
parsec.eval('pow(2, 3)')                         # result => 8
parsec.eval('round_decimal(4.559, 2)')           # result => 4.56

# IF THEN ELSE equations
parsec.eval('4 > 2 ? "bigger" : "smaller"')    # result => "bigger"
parsec.eval('2 == 2 ? true : false')           # result => true
parsec.eval('2 != 2 ? true : false')           # result => false
parsec.eval('"this" == "this" ? "yes" : "no"') # result => "yes"
parsec.eval('"this" != "that" ? "yes" : "no"') # result => "yes"

# Logic equations
parsec.eval('true and false')    # result => false
parsec.eval('true or false')     # result => true
parsec.eval('(3==3) and (3!=3)') # result => false
parsec.eval('exp(1) == e')       # result => true

# String equations
parsec.eval('length("test string")')     # result => 11
parsec.eval('toupper("test string")')    # result => "TEST STRING"
parsec.eval('tolower("TEST STRING")')    # result => "test string"
parsec.eval('concat("Hello ", "World")') # result => "Hello World"
parsec.eval('link("Title", "")') # result => "<a href="">Title</a>"
parsec.eval('str2number("5")')           # result => 5
parsec.eval('left("Hello World", 5)')    # result => "Hello"
parsec.eval('right("Hello World", 5)')   # result => "World"
parsec.eval('number("5")')               # result => 5

# Date equations (return the difference in days)
parsec.eval("current_date()"))                        # result => "2018-10-03"
parsec.eval('daysdiff(current_date(), "2018-10-04")') # result => 1
parsec.eval('daysdiff("2018-01-01", "2018-12-31")')   # result => 364

# DateTime equations (return the difference in hours)
parsec.eval('hoursdiff("2018-01-01", "2018-01-02")')             # result => 24
parsec.eval('hoursdiff("2019-02-01T08:00", "2019-02-01T12:00")') # result => 4
parsec.eval('hoursdiff("2019-02-01T08:20", "2019-02-01T12:00")') # result => 3.67
parsec.eval('hoursdiff("2018-01-01", "2018-01-01")')             # result => 0

The following functions can be used #

  • Math trigonometric functions: sin, cos, tan, sinh, cosh, tanh, asin, acos, atan, asinh, acosh, atanh
  • Math logarithm functions: ln, log, log10
  • Math standard functions: abs, sqrt, cbrt, pow, exp, round, round_decimal
  • Number functions: string
  • Math constants: e, pi
  • Unlimited number of arguments: min, max, sum, avg
  • String functions: concat, length, toupper, tolower, left, right, str2number, number, link
  • Complex functions: real, imag, conj, arg, norm
  • Array functions: sizeof, eye, ones, zeros
  • Date functions: current_date, daysdiff, hoursdiff
  • Extra functions: default_value



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Multi-platform `parsec` plugin for Flutter to calculate math equations using C++ library. Supports android.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


Apache-2.0 (license)


flutter, parsec_android, parsec_linux, parsec_platform_interface, parsec_windows


Packages that depend on parsec