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A package support web3 for crypto

flutter_pancake_swap_sdk #

Table of Contents #

  1. Introduction
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. Documentation
  5. Examples
  6. Support

Introduction #

flutter_pancake_swap_sdk is a Flutter project forked from two prominent web libraries, pancakeswap/sdk and Uniswap SDK v3 Overview. This project aims to adapt these web libraries for mobile platforms, providing users with the functionality of the PancakeSwap and Uniswap platforms.

Installation #

(Instructions on how to install the SDK in a Flutter project.)

Usage #

The SDK includes several key features such as token declaration and price estimation. Here's a brief overview:

Token Declaration #

  • For native tokens: Token.WETH[ChainId]!
  • For creating a token instance: Token(chainId, address, decimal)

LP Pair Tokens #

  • To get LP pair tokens: Pair.getAddress(token1, token2)

Price Estimation #

  • To estimate prices: Trade.bestTradeExactIn(TokenAmount(tokenFrom, value.amountSwapFrom(decimalFrom)), tokenTo, maxHops)

Documentation #

Forked from the PancakeSwap SDK.

For more detailed information, refer to the Uniswap SDK v3 Documentation.

You can refer to the Uniswap SDK documentation

Examples #

Trade? getTrade({
  required List<EthereumAddress> addressSwap,
  required int decimalFrom,
  required int decimalTo,
  required double value,
}) {
  Trade? bestTradeSoFar;
  Token tokenFrom =
  TokenSDK.Token(_buildConfig.chainId, addressSwap[0], decimalFrom);
  Token tokenTo =
  TokenSDK.Token(_buildConfig.chainId, addressSwap[1], decimalTo);

  if (addressSwap[0]
      .contains(_buildConfig.bnbContractAddress.toLowerCase())) {
    tokenFrom = TokenSDK.Token.WETH[ChainId.MAINNET.value]!;

  if (addressSwap[1]
      .contains(_buildConfig.bnbContractAddress.toLowerCase())) {
    tokenTo = TokenSDK.Token.WETH[ChainId.MAINNET.value]!;

  for (int i = 1; i <= maxHops; i++) {
    var bestTrade = Trade.bestTradeExactIn(
      TokenAmount(tokenFrom, value.amountSwapFrom(decimalFrom)),
      maxHops: i,
    if (bestTrade.isNotEmpty) {
      final currentTrade = bestTrade[0];
      final valueBool = isTradeBetter(
        minimumDelt: betterTradeLessHopsThreshold,
      if (valueBool) {
        bestTradeSoFar = currentTrade;
  tradeInfor = bestTradeSoFar;

  return tradeInfor;

Future<List<Pair>> getListPair(Token tokenA, Token tokenB) async {
  List<Pair> listPair = [];
  final listPairA = getPairTokenABaseToken(tokenA);
  final listPairB = getPairTokenBBaseToken(tokenB);
  try {
    final listStablePair = getStableLPPair(tokenA, tokenB);
    listPair = await _contractMultiCallRepository
        .getListPairFromSDK(addressLpToken: [
  } catch (e) {'error get pair swap', e.toString());

  return listPair;

Support #

Support this project by donating on