oxford_dictionary 2.0.3
oxford_dictionary: ^2.0.3 copied to clipboard
Oxford Dictionary Dart client. Use it to get word definitions, pronunciations and examples.
Oxford Dictionary API Wrapper in Dart #
The package is under development and doesn't have all API functionality. Feel free to contribute!
The Oxford Dictionaries API offers an easy way to access powerful lexical data (words, definitions, translations, audio pronunciations, synonyms, antonyms, parts of speech, and more) to use in your apps and websites.
To test package soundness there was 100 requests saved with according responses in test/fixtures/{entries,lemmas}/
folders. If you encounter any null value error please open an issue in repository Issues page.
See Contribution guidelines for this project
Read Oxford Dictionaries Documentation
Getting Started #
git clone git@github.com:rIIh/oxford-dictionary.git && cd oxford-dictionary
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flutter pub get
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flutter pub run build_runner build
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How to use #
See example for more usecase information.
void main() async {
final dictionary = OxfordDictionary(
// get word definition entry
final word = await dictionary.entries.search(wordString);
// get phrases
final phrases = word.phrases.values.map((phrases) => phrases).expand((phrases) => phrases).toList();
// get pronunciations
final pronunciations = word.variants.values
.map((e) => e.map((e) => e.pronunciations))
.expand((pronunciations) => pronunciations)
// get senses
final senses = word.variants.values
.map((variants) => variants?.map((variant) => variant.senses))
.expand((senses) => senses)
// get definitions
final definitions = senses.map((e) => e.map((e) => e.definitions)).expand((definitions) => definitions).toList();
// get sub senses
final subSenses = senses.map((e) => e.map((e) => e.subSenses)).expand((subSenses) => subSenses).toList();
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