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A Dart package that provides a convenient wrapper around the []( API. This package allows you to generate temporary email addresses, check mailboxes, read mes [...]


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OneSecMail Dart Package #

A Dart package that provides a convenient wrapper around the API. This package allows you to generate temporary email addresses, check mailboxes, read messages, and download attachments effortlessly.

Table of Contents #

Features #

  • Generate Random Email Addresses: Quickly generate one or multiple random email addresses using the available domains.
  • Retrieve Active Domains: Fetch the list of currently active domains that can be used for email addresses.
  • Check Mailbox: Retrieve a list of messages in a specific mailbox.
  • Fetch Single Message: Read the details of a single message, including its body and attachments.
  • Download Attachments: Download attachments from messages directly to your local storage.

Installation #

Add the following to your pubspec.yaml:

  one_sec_mail: ^1.0.0

Then run:

flutter pub get

Or for a Dart project:

dart pub get

Usage #

Here's how to use the package:

Import the Package #

import 'package:one_sec_mail/one_sec_mail.dart';

Generating Random Email Addresses #

void main() async {
  final mailClient = OneSecMail();

  // Generate random email addresses
  List<String> emails = await mailClient.generateRandomEmails(count: 5);
  print('Generated Emails: $emails');

Retrieving Active Domains #

// Get list of active domains
List<String> domains = await mailClient.getDomainList();
print('Active Domains: $domains');

Checking Mailbox #

// Use the first generated email for further actions
String email = emails.first;
String login = email.split('@')[0];
String domain = email.split('@')[1];

// Check mailbox
List<Message> messages = await mailClient.getMessages(login: login, domain: domain);
print('Messages: $messages');

Fetching Single Message #

if (messages.isNotEmpty) {
  // Read a message
  int messageId =;
  MessageDetails messageDetails = await mailClient.readMessage(
    login: login,
    domain: domain,
    id: messageId,
  print('Message Details: $messageDetails');

Downloading Attachments #

if (messageDetails.attachments.isNotEmpty) {
  Attachment attachment = messageDetails.attachments.first;
  await mailClient.downloadAttachment(
    login: login,
    domain: domain,
    id: messageId,
    filename: attachment.filename,
    savePath: '/path/to/save', 
  print('Attachment downloaded: ${attachment.filename}');

API Reference #

OneSecMail Class #


  • generateRandomEmails({int count = 1})

    Generates random email addresses.


    • count: Number of email addresses to generate (default is 1).

    Returns: Future<List<String>>

  • getDomainList()

    Retrieves a list of active domains.

    Returns: Future<List<String>>

  • getMessages({required String login, required String domain})

    Retrieves messages from the specified mailbox.


    • login: The username part of the email address.
    • domain: The domain part of the email address.

    Returns: Future<List<Message>>

  • readMessage({required String login, required String domain, required int id})

    Fetches details of a single message.


    • login: The username part of the email address.
    • domain: The domain part of the email address.
    • id: The message ID.

    Returns: Future<MessageDetails>

  • downloadAttachment({required String login, required String domain, required int id, required String filename, required String savePath})

    Downloads an attachment from a message.


    • login: The username part of the email address.
    • domain: The domain part of the email address.
    • id: The message ID.
    • filename: The name of the attachment file.
    • savePath: The local directory path where the file will be saved.

    Returns: Future<void>

Models #

Message Class #

Represents a message in the mailbox.


  • id (int): Message ID.
  • from (String): Sender's email address.
  • subject (String): Subject of the email.
  • date (String): Receive date of the email.

MessageDetails Class #

Represents detailed information about a message.


  • id (int): Message ID.
  • from (String): Sender's email address.
  • subject (String): Subject of the email.
  • date (String): Receive date of the email.
  • attachments (List
  • body (String): Message body (HTML if exists, text otherwise).
  • textBody (String): Message body in plain text.
  • htmlBody (String): Message body in HTML.

Attachment Class #

Represents an attachment in a message.


  • filename (String): Name of the attachment file.
  • contentType (String): MIME type of the attachment.
  • size (int): Size of the attachment in bytes.

Best Practices #

  1. Null Safety: The package is written with null safety in mind. Ensure your project is using a Dart SDK version that supports null safety.
  2. Exception Handling: Wrap API calls in try-catch blocks to gracefully handle exceptions and API errors.
  3. Async/Await: Use async/await syntax to handle asynchronous operations cleanly.
  4. Resource Management: Clean up any temporary files or data after usage, especially when downloading attachments.
  5. Permissions: Ensure your application has the necessary permissions to write to the specified directories when downloading attachments.

Contributing #

Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request on the GitHub repository to contribute to this project.

License #

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE() file for details.

Disclaimer: Use this package responsibly and adhere to the terms and conditions of Temporary email services should not be used for malicious activities.




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A Dart package that provides a convenient wrapper around the []( API. This package allows you to generate temporary email addresses, check mailboxes, read messages, and download attachments effortlessly.

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MIT (license)


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