on_image_matrix 1.0.0+1 copy "on_image_matrix: ^1.0.0+1" to clipboard
on_image_matrix: ^1.0.0+1 copied to clipboard

Flutter Package used to 'edit' basics aspects [Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, etc...] from a widget or image.

on_image_matrix #

Pub.dev Platforms Flutter

on_image_matrix is a Flutter Package used to 'edit' basics aspects [Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, etc...] from a widget or image. Using OnImageFilters you can get some default filters.

Help: #

Any problem? Issues
Any suggestion? Pull request

Translations: #

NOTE: Feel free to help with readme translations

Topics: #

How to Install: #

Add the following code to your pubspec.yaml:

  on_image_matrix: ^1.0.0+1


  • Fix bugs.
  • Add more [Features]

How to use: #

OnImageMatrixWidget() // The main widget to start using the package.

All types of parameters on this plugin:

Parameters Arguments Description
blur double? Used to define the postion of effect based effectType.
blurMode TileMode? Used to define the postion of effect based effectType.
colorFilter ColorFilter? Used to define the postion of effect based effectType.

To be able to save this widget as a image, use the builder.

OnImageMatrixWidget.builder() // The main widget to start using the package

All types of parameters on this plugin:

Parameters Arguments Description
blur double? Used to apply a blur effect on the widget/image.
blurMode TileMode? Used to define the blur mode.
colorFilter ColorFilter? Used to define/apply the effect or filter.
controller Widget Used to save, delete or get the widget bytes as image
imageKey Widget Used to find the widget and convert into image
imageFormat double? Used to define format of widget when converting to a image .

Example: #


  controller: _controller,
  imageKey: GlobalKey(),
  blur: 2.0,
  blurMode: TileMode.decal,
  // You can use some default filters
  colorFilter: OnImageFilters.gray,
  // Modifiy using your style
  // colorFilter: OnImageMatrix.matrix(
  //   brightnessAndContrast: 0.0,
  //   exposure: 0.0,
  //   saturation: 1.0,
  //   visibility: 1.0,
  // ),
  // Or create your own filter using color matrix.
  // OnImageMatrix.custom([
  //  1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
  //  0, 1, 0, 0, 0,
  //  0, 0, 1, 0, 0,
  //  0, 0, 0, 1, 0,
  // ])
  imageFormat: ImageByteFormat.rawRgba,
  child: Image.network(

After modifiy you widget/image use the [OnImageController] to save it.

  OnImageController _imageController = OnImageController();

  Uint8List? saveImage() {
    return _imageController.imageBytes;

Color Matrix #

Try yourself:

See more:




verified publisherlucasjosino.com

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Flutter Package used to 'edit' basics aspects [Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, etc...] from a widget or image.

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)




Packages that depend on on_image_matrix