oidc_core 0.9.1 oidc_core: ^0.9.1 copied to clipboard
A dart package containing models and helpers for OpenId Connect spec.
// ignore_for_file: avoid_print, omit_local_variable_types
import 'package:oidc_core/oidc_core.dart';
// Check this file to see how the user manager is implemented
import 'cli_user_manager.dart';
// This example shows how to use the authorization code flow using
// https://demo.duendesoftware.com idp from the cli.
// you can login with google, or with bob/bob, or with alice/alice.
final idp = Uri.parse('https://demo.duendesoftware.com/');
const String clientId = 'interactive.public';
final store = OidcMemoryStore();
void main() async {
final manager = CliUserManager.lazy(
discoveryDocumentUri: OidcUtils.getOpenIdConfigWellKnownUri(idp),
clientCredentials: const OidcClientAuthentication.none(
clientId: clientId,
store: store,
settings: OidcUserManagerSettings(
//get any available port
redirectUri: Uri.parse(''),
postLogoutRedirectUri: Uri.parse(''),
print('Initializing the CLI user manager ...');
await manager.init();
print('User manager initialized !');
final OidcUser? user =
manager.currentUser ?? await manager.loginAuthorizationCodeFlow();
if (user == null) {
print('failed to get the user.');
} else {
print('user validated!\n'
'subject: ${user.claims.subject}\n'
'claims: ${user.aggregatedClaims}\n'
'userInfo: ${user.userInfo}');
print('Logging out the user again:');
await manager.logout();
print('user logged out.');