odoo_repository 0.5.9 odoo_repository: ^0.5.9 copied to clipboard
Dart package helps to implement data communication between Odoo and dart client with persistance and offline mode
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:odoo_repository/odoo_repository.dart' show OdooEnvironment;
import 'package:odoo_rpc/odoo_rpc.dart';
import 'package:user_repository/user_repository.dart';
import 'config.dart';
import 'net_conn_impl.dart';
import 'odoo_kv_hive_impl.dart';
void main() async {
// Init cache storage implemented with Hive
final cache = OdooKvHive();
await cache.init();
// Try to recover session from storage
OdooSession? session = cache.get(cacheSessionKey, defaultValue: null);
// If session is still valid we will be logged in
final odooClient = OdooClient(odooServerURL, session);
// Catch session changes to store most recent one
final sessionChangedHandler = storeSesion(cache);
// Network state tracker is needed by Repository
final netConn = NetworkConnectivity();
final env = OdooEnvironment(odooClient, odooDbName, cache, netConn);
// Alternative way to get instanciated user repo
// final userRepo = odooEnv.add((db) => UserRepository(db));
final userRepo = env.of<UserRepository>();
var currentUser = userRepo.records[0];
print('Current user: ${currentUser.name}');
final userSub = userRepo.recordStream.listen((user) async {
if (user[0] != currentUser) {
if (currentUser.isPublic &&
!user[0].isPublic &&
user[0].login == 'admin') {
print('User changed to ${user[0]}');
currentUser = user[0];
// we are logged in
'In offline mode we still can get record: ${userRepo.records[0]}');
print('scheduling a rpc call to create new user');
final newUser = await userRepo.create(User.publicUser()
.copyWith(login: 'newMe', name: 'New Me', lang: 'uk_UA'));
print('scheduling a rpc call to rename user that was created');
await userRepo.write(newUser.copyWith(name: 'New Me!'));
print('going online');
..onError((error) => print('User repo error: $error'));
ProcessSignal.sigint.watch().listen((signal) async {
await userSub.cancel();
// Authentication will push new users list to userRepo.recordStream
await userRepo.authenticateUser(login: 'admin', password: 'admin');
print('Hit CTRL+c to exit');
// we need to wait unit async calls will finish
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 100));