notion_api 1.0.0-beta2
notion_api: ^1.0.0-beta2 copied to clipboard
A wrapper for the public beta Notion API to manage it like a Notion SDK package for dart.
Notion API client for dart.
See the ROADMAP file to see what is coming next.
Usage #
Important: The methods return a NotionResponse
. You can find how to use it in its documentation.
class #
You only have to create a new instance of the NotionClient
class and all the API requests will be available as class methods.
NotionClient notion = NotionClient(token: 'YOUR SECRET TOKEN FROM INTEGRATIONS PAGE');
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Individual classes #
You can also use individual request group class like NotionPagesClient
or NotionDatabasesClient
. They are used like the main client but the methods are class methods instead of class properties methods.
// With main class
NotionClient notion = NotionClient(token: 'YOUR_TOKEN');
// With individual class
NotionDatabasesClient databases = NotionDatabasesClient(token: 'YOUR_TOKEN');
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Some examples #
To see more examples go here.
Append blocks children #
// Create children instance:
Children children = Children().addAll([
Heading(text: Text('Test')),
Paragraph(texts: [
Text('Lorem ipsum (A)'),
Text('Lorem ipsum (B)',
annotations: TextAnnotations(
bold: true,
underline: true,
color: ColorsTypes.Orange,
// Send the instance to Notion
children: children,
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Create a page #
// Create a page instance
Page page = Page(
parent: Parent.database(id: 'YOUR_DATABASE_ID'),
title: Text('NotionClient (v1): Page test'),
// Send the instance to Notion.
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Next release #
v1.0.0: #
Release date: 25/Jun/2021
Changes #
- Fix any error
Contributions #
Please help, I don't even know if what I'm doing is right.