notion_api 1.2.0 copy "notion_api: ^1.2.0" to clipboard
notion_api: ^1.2.0 copied to clipboard

A wrapper for the public beta Notion API to manage it like a Notion SDK package for dart.

Notion API client for dart.

CI codecov

See the ROADMAP file to see what is coming next.

API implemented #

Endpoint Avaliable Notes
Retrieve a database
Query a database 🏗 Working on it
List databases
Create a database Workin on more properties
Retrieve a page
Create a page Workin on more properties
Update a page Workin on more properties
Retrieve block children
Append block children
Retrieve a user
List all users

Usage #

Important: The methods return a NotionResponse. You can find how to use it in its documentation.

NotionClient class #

You only have to create a new instance of the NotionClient class and all the API requests will be available as class methods.

NotionClient notion = NotionClient(token: 'YOUR SECRET TOKEN FROM INTEGRATIONS PAGE');
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Individual classes #

You can also use individual request group class like NotionPagesClient or NotionDatabasesClient. They are used like the main client but the methods are class methods instead of class properties methods.


// With main class
NotionClient notion = NotionClient(token: 'YOUR_TOKEN');

// With individual class
NotionDatabasesClient databases = NotionDatabasesClient(token: 'YOUR_TOKEN');
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A few examples #

A page created and filled using only this package:

To see code to create the page above or see more examples go here.

Append blocks children #

// Create children instance:
Children children = Children.withBlocks([
  Heading(text: Text('Test')),
  Paragraph(texts: [
    Text('Lorem ipsum (A)'),
    Text('Lorem ipsum (B)',
        annotations: TextAnnotations(
          bold: true,
          underline: true,
          color: ColorsTypes.Orange,

// Send the instance to Notion
  to: 'YOUR_BLOCK_ID',
  children: children,
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Create a page #

// Create a page instance
Page page = Page(
  parent: Parent.database(id: 'YOUR_DATABASE_ID'),
  title: Text('NotionClient (v1): Page test'),

// Send the instance to Notion.
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Errors #

Some errors that I have encounter and still don't know how to solve because are errors that also occur on Postman are:

Create page with chidren #

When the parent is a page the error is:

"body failed validation: should be an array, instead was `\"array\"`."
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But when the parent is a database then the error is:

"body failed validation: body.parent.page_id should be defined, instead was `undefined`."
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You can create the page first and then add the children as shown in the examples.

Contributions #

Please help, I don't even know if what I'm doing is right.

Rules #

Some rules to follow:

  1. Please follow the dart convention format:
    1. Effective dart
    2. dart format
  2. If you are adding a new function, please also add the documentation.
  3. If you are adding a new parameters, please also add it to the current documentation.
  4. (Optional) Run the tests to know that everything is working just fine (See how run the tests).
    • This is optional because sometimes the tests fail on GitHub actions so anyway I will check this on my computer.

Tests #

To be able to run the tests you will have to have a .env file on the root directory with the next variables:

  • TOKEN: The secret token.
  • TEST_DATABASE_ID: The database id where you will be working on.
  • TEST_PAGE_ID: Some page id inside the database specified above.
  • TEST_BLOCK_ID: Some block id inside the page specified above.
  • TEST_BLOCK_HEADING_ID: Some heading block id inside the page specified above.

Example: #

The values are not valid of course.

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Next release #

v1.2.1: #

Release date: 02/Aug/2021

  • Add constructors with only single text content with default style for:
    • Paragraph.text('some text here...')
    • ToDo.text('some text here...', checked: true)
    • Heading.text('some text here...', type: 2)
    • BulletedListItem.text('some text here...')
    • NumberedListItem.text('some text here...')
    • Toggle.text('some text here...', children: [])
  • Add more constructors for Heading class:
    • one: Heading with type 1 by default.
    • two: Heading with type 2 by default.
    • three: Heading with type 3 by default.
  • Add more constructors for Text class:
    • code: Text with code style by default.
    • italic: Text with italic style by default.
    • bold: Text with bold style by default.
    • [Opt] list: List of words separated by comma (by default).
      • Example: Text.list() will receive a list of Text and will be concatenated separated with comma by default. It may be unnecessary. Can help to make the code more readable.
    • [Opt] sep: Text separator.
      • Example: Text.sep(), by default, will insert " " in a list of Text instances, but it will be able to do more things that I don't know yet, hehe. It may be unnecessary. Can help to make the code more readable.


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A wrapper for the public beta Notion API to manage it like a Notion SDK package for dart.

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


Apache-2.0 (license)




Packages that depend on notion_api