nordigen_api_client 1.0.0 copy "nordigen_api_client: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
nordigen_api_client: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard

An API client for nordigen API.

Nordigen Flutter Library #

This is Flutter client library for Nordigen.

For a full list of endpoints and arguments, see the docs.

Before starting to use API you will need to create a new secret and get your SECRET_ID and SECRET_KEY from the Nordigen's Open Banking Portal.

Installation #

Install library via dart:

dart pub add nordigen_api_client

Install library via flutter:

flutter pub add nordigen_api_client

Quickstart #

To use the library, import the package

import 'package:nordigen_api_client/nordigen_api_client.dart';
// Get secretId and secretKey from portal and pass them to NordigenClient
final String secretId  = "YOUR_SECRET_ID";
final String secretKey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY";
final NordigenClient nordigenClient = NordigenClient(secretId: secretId, secretKey: secretKey);
// Generate new access token. Token is valid for 24 hours
// Token is automatically injected into every response
Future<dynamic> createAccessToken() async {
    final token = await nordigenClient.createAccessToken();
    return token;
// Get access token
final accessToken = await nordigenClient.getAccessToken();
// Get refresh token
final refreshToken = await nordigenClient.getRefreshToken();
// Get list of institutions by country. Country should be in ISO 3166 standard.
final institutions = nordigenClient.institution.getInstitutionsByCountry("LV");
// Institution id can be gathered from getInstitutions response.
// Example Revolut ID
final institutionId = "REVOLUT_REVOGB21";
final redirectUri = "";
// Initialize new bank connection session
final session = await client.initSession(institutionIdentifier: institutionId, redirect: redirectUri);
// Get link to authorize in the bank
// Authorize with your bank via this link, to gain access to account data
final link = session["link"];
// requisition id is needed to get accountId in the next step
final requisitionId = session["requisition_id"];

After successful authorization with a bank you can fetch your data (details, balances, transactions)

Fetching account metadata, balances, details and transactions #

// Get account id after completed authorization with a bank
final requisitionData = await client.requisition.getRequisition(requisitionId);
// Get account id from the array of accounts
final accountId = requisitionData["accounts"][0];
// Instantiate account object
final account = client.account(accountId);
// Fetch account metadata
final metadata = await account.getAccountMetaData();
// Fetch account balances
final balances = await account.getAccountBalances();
// Fetch account details
final details = await account.getAccountDetails();
// Fetch account transactions
final transactions = await account.getAccountTransactions();
// Optional. You can filter transactions by specific date range
final transactions = await account.getAccountTransactions(dateFrom: "2021-12-01", dateTo: "2022-01-30");

Support #

For any inquiries please contact support at or create an issue in the repository.

pub points


unverified uploader

An API client for nordigen API.



API reference


MIT (license)


dio, flutter


Packages that depend on nordigen_api_client