nmea 3.3.2 nmea: ^3.3.2 copied to clipboard
An extensible NMEA0183 parser, which also supports validating the checksum. Useful for reading data from GPS devices and other sensors.
// ignore_for_file: avoid_print, unreachable_from_main
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:nmea/nmea.dart' as nmea;
void main() {
nmea.NmeaDecoder(onlyAllowValid: true)
..registerTalkerSentence(MsgSentence.id, (line) => MsgSentence(raw: line))
(line) => AcmeProprietarySentence(raw: line),
(line) => MyCustomSentence(raw: line, validateChecksums: false),
.listen((sentence) {
print('${sentence.raw} is a valid ${sentence.type.name} sentence');
// Output:
// $--MSG,A,1,0,0,0,0*29 is a valid talker sentence
// $PACME{'test':true} is a valid proprietary sentence
// $CST,first,second is a valid custom sentence
class MsgSentence extends nmea.TalkerSentence {
MsgSentence({required super.raw});
static const String id = 'MSG';
// You can access the fields in this talker sentence by their index
String get field1 => fields[1];
int get field2 => int.parse(fields[2]);
class AcmeProprietarySentence extends nmea.ProprietarySentence {
AcmeProprietarySentence({required super.raw}) : super(manufacturer: id);
static const String id = 'ACME';
// custom data formatting is allowed in proprietary sentences
String get json => rawWithoutFixtures;
// custom validation by overriding [valid]
// remember to call [super.valid]!
bool get valid => super.valid && json.isNotEmpty;
dynamic get data => jsonDecode(json);
class MyCustomSentence extends nmea.CustomChecksumSentence {
MyCustomSentence({required super.raw, super.validateChecksums = true})
: super(identifier: id);
static const String id = 'CST';
String get first => fields[0];
String get second => fields[1];