nmea 3.2.0 copy "nmea: ^3.2.0" to clipboard
nmea: ^3.2.0 copied to clipboard

An extensible NMEA0183 parser, which also supports validating the checksum. Useful for reading data from GPS devices and other sensors.

Changelog #

Version 3.2.0 #

  • Moved MultipartSentence logic to decode method

Version 3.1.0 #

  • Added CustomChecksumSentence and changed parent of CustomSentence to NmeaSentence.
  • Added NmeaSentenceType.custom for custom sentences.

Version 3.0.0 #

  • Breaking: MultipartSentence has a new parent class NmeaSentence and requires implementations for some new abstract members.
  • Added onIncompleteMultipartSentence to NmeaDecoder for handling multipart sentence without having received a first sentence part.

Version 2.1.1 #

  • Added LimitedSizeQueue to fix #4 (Limit size of _incompleteSentences in NmeaDecoder)

Version 2.1.0 #

  • Adds support for custom sentence types

Version 2.0.0 #

  • Renamed project from flutter_extended_nmea to nmea

Version 1.3.0 #

  • Removed dependency on flutter and flutter_lints
  • Added some flutter linter rules
  • Added GitHub actions workflow for automated testing

Version 1.2.1 #

  • Allow null to be returned from OptionalTalkerSentenceFactory

Version 1.2.0 #

  • Added more constraints on the generic parameter of MultipartSentence to only allow the same type extending as a parameter

Version 1.1.0 #

  • Removed unnecessary dependency on cupertino_icons
  • Added support for multipart NMEA sentences (like GSV)

Version 1.0.1 #

  • Fixed error in decoder if sentence doesn't contain a field separator (",")

Version 1.0.0+1 #

Initial release.

  • Added NmeaSentence, NmeaSentenceType, ChecksumSentence, TalkerSentence, QuerySentence, ProprietarySentence, NmeaUtils and NmeaDecoder classes.
pub points


verified publisherricardoboss.de

An extensible NMEA0183 parser, which also supports validating the checksum. Useful for reading data from GPS devices and other sensors.

Repository (GitHub)
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