nim_core 1.7.8 copy "nim_core: ^1.7.8" to clipboard
nim_core: ^1.7.8 copied to clipboard

A Flutter plugin for NetEase IM SDK on Android, iOS and Windows.

1.7.8(Jul 22, 2024) #

Dependency Updates #

  • NIMSDK from 9.15.0 to 9.17.1 in Android
  • NIMSDK from 9.15.1 to 9.17.0 in iOS

1.7.7(Apr 11, 2024) #

New Features #

  • add enableFcs for iOS InitializeOptions

Bug Fixes #

  • fix VideoAttachment have no path in iOS

1.7.6(Mar 8, 2024) #

Dependency Updates #

  • NIMSDK from 9.13.1 to 9.15.0 in Android
  • NIMSDK from 9.13.1 to 9.15.1 in iOS

1.7.5(Feb 21, 2024) #

New Features #

  • add pullHistoryById in Android and iOS
  • add makeNotifyContentProvider in Android
  • add makeTickerProvider in Android
  • add makeRevokeMsgTipProvider in Android

1.7.4(Jan 25, 2024) #

Bug Fixes #

  • fix offline error when call in iOS
  • fix senderClientType error when receive from web in iOS

New Features #

  • add convertMessageToJson in Android and iOS
  • add convertJsonToMessage in Android and iOS
  • add getCurrentAccount in Android and iOS
  • add onMessagesDelete in Android and iOS
  • add sendToOnlineUserOnly on CustomNotification in Android and iOS
  • add allMessagesReadForIOS in iOS

1.7.3(Nov 8, 2023) #

Dependency Updates #

  • yunxin_alog from 1.0.11 to 2.0.0
  • NIMSDK from 9.13.0 to 9.13.1 in Android
  • NIMSDK from 9.11.0 to 9.13.1 in iOS

Bug Fixes #

  • fix getUserInfo error when db have no info in iOS
  • fix Team Add issue in iOS

New Features #

  • add setChattingAccount in iOS

1.7.2(Sep 6, 2023) #

Dependency Updates #

  • NIMSDK from 9.11.0 to 9.13.0 in Android

Bug Fixes #

  • fix checkLocalAntiSpam error in iOS

1.7.1+1(Aug 15, 2023) #

Bug Fixes #

  • fix ALog error in Android

1.7.1(Aug 10, 2023) #

Bug Fixes #

  • fix onCustomNotification sessionId error on iOS when type is Team

1.7.0(Jul 21, 2023) #

Dependency Updates #

  • nim_core_platform_interface to 1.7.0

Bug Fixes #

  • fix eventSubscribeStream error on iOS

New Features #

  • add onTeamMemberUpdate in TeamService
  • add onTeamMemberRemove in TeamService
  • add registerBadgeCountHandler in SettingService for iOS
  • support honor push for Android
  • add robotInfo in Message
  • add getMessagesDynamically in MessageService
  • add searchResourceFiles in SettingService
  • add removeResourceFiles in SettingService

1.6.2(Jun 15, 2023) #

Dependency Updates #

  • NIMSDK from 9.10.0 to 9.11.0
  • environment sdk < 4.0.0

1.6.1(Jun 1, 2023) #

Bug Fixes #

  • fix UserInfoProvider error on Meizu devices
  • fix downloadAttachment error on Android
  • fix delete nick error on Android
  • fix SystemMessage time error on iOS
  • make lastMsgContent consistent on both Android and iOS

1.6.0(Apr 24, 2023) #

Bug Fixes #

  • fix onReceiveSystemNotification error when update permission
  • fix qChat message antiSpamResult error in iOS
  • fix qChat multi login error in iOS
  • fix StickTopSessionInfo error in iOS
  • fix qChat download Attachment error
  • fix send qChat Message remoteExtension error in iOS
  • fix sendSystemNotification Extension error in iOS
  • add nextTimeTag for getChannelsByPage,getChannelMembersByPag,searchChannelByPage
  • fix MessageBuilder.createTipMessage have no content issue

New Features #

  • add ackTimeTag, lastMsgTime and time in QChatUnreadInfo
  • add subscribeAsVisitor in QChatChannelService
  • add sendTypingEvent in QChatMessageService
  • add getMentionedMeMessages in QChatMessageService
  • add areMentionedMeMessages in QChatMessageService
  • add subscribeAsVisitor in QChatServerService
  • add enterAsVisitor in QChatServerService
  • add leaveAsVisitor in QChatServerService
  • add observeReceiveTypingEvent in QChatServiceObserver
  • add checkpermissions in QChatRoleService
  • add visitorMode in QChatChannel
  • add accIds in QChatSystemMessageToType

Dependency Updates #

  • NIMSDK from 9.8.0 to 9.10.0
  • nim_core_platform_interface to 1.6.0

1.5.0(Mar 31, 2023) #

Bug Fixes #

  • fix return different uuid when resend qChat message

New Features #

  • Support Address Config when initialize in Android and iOS
  • Support Notification title custom in Android
  • Add yidunAntiSpamRes for NIMMessage in Android and iOS

Dependency Updates #

  • NIMSDK from 9.6.0 to 9.8.0
  • nim_core_platform_interface to 1.5.0

1.4.8(Mar 20, 2023) #

Bug Fixes #

  • fix add quick comment error in iOS

1.4.7(Feb 23, 2023) #

Bug Fixes #

  • fix resend qChat message error in iOS
  • fix onMessageStatusChange msgType error in Android
  • add inOutType for qChat System Notification in iOS
  • add senderClientType for Message in Mac and Windows

Dependency Updates #

  • nim_core_windows from 1.0.7 to 1.0.8
  • nim_core_macos from 1.0.7 to 1.0.8

1.4.6(Feb 10, 2023) #

Bug Fixes #

  • Add endTime for pullMessageHistory

Dependency Updates #

  • yunxin_alog depend ^1.0.11

1.4.5(Feb 8, 2023) #

Bug Fixes #

  • Fix crash when reply a message that replied other message before on iOS
  • Fix pullMessageHistory not callback onSessionUpdate issue on iOS
  • Fix team mute mode have no muteNormal mode issue on iOS
  • Fix audio attachment size(height and width) error on iOS
  • Fix message status error on Android
  • Fix errorCode(414) error on Android
  • Fix QChat system notify attachment empty issue on Android and iOS
  • Fix pullMessageHistoryExType can't get message issue on PC
  • Fix clearAllSessionUnreadCount invalid issue on PC
  • Fix forwardMessage Message error on PC

API Changes #

  • add ignore param in clearChattingHistory
  • add mimeType and sampleRate in voiceToText

Dependency Updates #

  • iOS NIM SDK depend ~> 9.6.3
  • nim_core_platform_interface from 1.4.2 to 1.4.3
  • nim_core_windows from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7
  • nim_core_macos from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7

1.4.4(Jan 6, 2023) #

Bug Fixes #

  • Fix issue in fetchChatroomQueue for iOS
  • Add nick, avatar and tags in ChatroomMember for iOS
  • Add direction and startTime in NIMHistoryMessageSearchOption for iOS
  • Fix fetchMessageAttachment error logic for iOS
  • Fix onAttachmentProgress error for iOS
  • Fix removeManagers in Team issue for iOS
  • Add body in NIMQChatSendSystemNotificationParam for iOS
  • Fix fetchChatroomInfo error for iOS
  • Fix updateMyChatroomMemberInfo error for iOS
  • Fix onKickOut error in ChatRoom for iOS
  • Fix markMemberManager error in ChatRoom for ios
  • Fix updateMemberBlack,markMemberManager and markNormalMember for iOS
  • Add onSuperTeamMemberUpdate,onSuperTeamMemberRemove,onSuperTeamRemove,onSuperTeamUpdate for iOS
  • Add callback in clearMsgDatabase for Android
  • Add KickOutOtherOnlineClient for iOS
  • Fix NIMSubscribeEvent receive for iOS
  • Fix updateMyChatroomMemberInfo error for iOS
  • Fix transferTeam result list error in FLTTeamService for iOS
  • Fix addManagers result list error in FLTTeamService for iOS
  • Fix removeManagers result list error in FLTTeamService for iOS
  • Fix queryMutedTeamMembers null result as empty object in FLTTeamService for iOS
  • Fix convertToMessage msgType error when custom message has no attachment in NIMQChatMessage for iOS
  • Add NOSService#downloadAttachment implementation on iOS;
  • Fix MessageService#pullMessageHistoryExType toTime unit to second iOS;
  • Fix NIMMessagePinItem#pinCreateTime/pinUpdateTime unit to second and messageUuid iOS;
  • Fix SupperTeamService#muteTeam invalid on Android;
  • Fix SupperTeamService#queryMutedTeamMembers invalid on Android;
  • Fix SupperTeamService#updateMyMemberExtension invalid on Android;
  • Fix MessageService#addCollect uniqueId on iOS;
  • Fix ChatroomService#removeChatroomQueueObject error when key is nil on iOS;
  • Fix NIMSubscribeEvent#createSubscribeEvent error on iOS;
  • Fix MessageService#clearServerHistory clear history on remote server only.
  • Add some default value to NIMMessage for iOS
  • Add QUERY_OLD for direction in queryMessageListEx for iOS
  • Add sessionTypePair in NIMSession for iOS
  • Add fromDic() function in NIMMessageFullKeywordSearchOption for iOS
  • Add getArrayFromJSONString() function in NIMNSObject for iOS
  • Add enableHistory in createMessage for iOS
  • Add teamReceiptEnabled in initSDK for iOS
  • Fix joinTime in queryMemberList for Android
  • Fix messageStatus in NIMMessage for iOS
  • Fix createTime/updateTime in NIMStickTopSessionInfo for iOS
  • Fix createTime/updateTime in NIMMessageSearchOption for iOS
  • Fix lastMsgType in NIMSession for iOS
  • Fix limit and return value in queryMessageListEx for iOS
  • Fix input arguments in searchCloudMessageHistory for iOS
  • Fix input arguments in searchRoamingMsg for iOS
  • Fix input arguments in queryMySessionList for iOS
  • Fix joinTime/createTime/extension in NIMTeam for iOS
  • Fix toTime in fromDic() of NIMCollectQueryOptions for iOS
  • Fix revokeType in toDic() of NIMRevokeMessageNotification for iOS
  • Fix lastMsg/lastMsgType/extension/revokeNotification in NIMSession for iOS
  • Fix isValid/tag in NIMChatRoom for iOS
  • Fix size/sourcePath/fileLength in attachment of NIMMessage for iOS
  • Fix limit in getRecentList for iOS
  • Fix method of updateSessionWithMessage for iOS
  • Fix option.searchRange in searchUserIdListByNick for iOS

API Changes #

  • update download in NOSService param path as notNullable

1.4.3(Dec 26, 2022) #

Bug Fixes #

  • Fix QChat custom message type error for ios

1.4.2(Dec 16, 2022) #

Bug Fixes #

  • Fix resetSystemMessageUnreadCountByType error for ios
  • Fix createChatRoomCustomMessage attachment error for ios
  • Fix clearSystemMessagesByType error for ios

1.4.1(Dec 13, 2022) #

Dependency Updates #

  • minimum environment sdk upgrade to 2.17.0
  • update ffi to 2.0.0
  • nim_core_platform_interface from 1.4.0 to 1.4.1
  • nim_core_web from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2

Bug Fixes #

  • Fix querySystemMessageUnreadCountByType error for ios
  • Fix createCustomMessage content error for ios
  • Fix createTeam extension error for ios
  • Fix other known issue

1.4.0(Nov 28, 2022) #

Dependency Updates #

  • iOS updated NIM SDK version to 9.6.3
  • Android updated NIM SDK version to 9.6.3
  • nim_core_platform_interface from 1.3.1 to 1.4.0

New Features #

  • Support IM QChat2.0 in iOS and Android

Bug Fixes #

  • Fix send media Message error in Android
  • Fix signal pushPayload error in Android

API Changes #

  • update QChatChannelService for Android and iOS
  • update QChatMessageService for Android and iOS
  • update QChatObserver for Android and iOS
  • update QChatRoleService for Android and iOS
  • update QChatServerService for Android and iOS
  • add QChatPushService for Android and iOS
  • add saveMessageToLocalEx for Android and iOS in MessageService
  • add updateMyTeamNick for Android and iOS in TeamService
  • add maxMemberCount for Android and iOS in createTeam
  • add sessionForWeb for Android and iOS in NIMSession

1.3.3(Nov 22, 2022) #

Bug Fixes #

  • fix first query message list error in iOS
  • add base64 for web to send media message

1.3.2(Nov 17, 2022) #

Bug Fixes #

  • Fix getMessageHistory error in iOS

1.3.1(Nov 14, 2022) #

Bug Fixes #

  • Fix chatroom create Message error in iOS
  • Fix send Message attach error in iOS
  • Fix fromAccount error in iOS

1.3.0(Nov 3, 2022) #

Dependency Updates #

  • iOS updated NIM SDK version to 9.6.3
  • Android updated NIM SDK version to 9.6.3
  • nim_core_platform_interface from 1.0.3 to 1.3.0
  • nim_core_windows from 1.0.3 to 1.0.4
  • nim_core_macos from 1.0.3 to 1.0.4

New Features #

  • Support IM QChat in iOS and Android

Bug Fixes #

  • Fix team sessionId error in Mac & Windows
  • Fix muteTeam error in Mac & Windows

API Changes #

  • add QChatChannelService for Android and iOS
  • add QChatMessageService for Android and iOS
  • add QChatObserver for Android and iOS
  • add QChatRoleService for Android and iOS
  • add QChatServerService for Android and iOS
  • add QChatService for Android and iOS

1.2.1(Oct 13, 2022) #

Dependency Updates #

  • iOS updated NIM SDK version to 9.6.1

1.2.0(Sep 30, 2022) #

New Features #

  • Support IM Signalling in iOS and Android

API Changes #

  • add createChannel in AvSignallingService
  • add closeChannel in AvSignallingService
  • add joinChannel in AvSignallingService
  • add leaveChannel in AvSignallingService
  • add invite in AvSignallingService
  • add cancelInvite in AvSignallingService
  • add rejectInvite in AvSignallingService
  • add acceptInvite in AvSignallingService
  • add sendControl in AvSignallingService
  • add call in AvSignallingService
  • add queryChannelInfo in AvSignallingService
  • add onlineNotification in AvSignallingService
  • add offlineNotification in AvSignallingService
  • add onMemberUpdateNotification in AvSignallingService
  • add otherClientInviteAckNotification in AvSignallingService
  • add syncChannelListNotification in AvSignallingService

Bug Fixes #

  • fix iOS initialize issue

Dependency Updates #

  • iOS updated NIM SDK version from 8.11.0 to 9.6.0
  • nim_core_platform_interface from 1.0.2 to 1.0.3
  • nim_core_web from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1

1.1.0(Sep 23, 2022) #

New Features #

  • Support Web Plugin

API Changes #

  • add idServer as param for ackAddFriend in UserService
  • add base64 field in NIMFileAttachment
  • add otherAccid field in MessageKeywordSearchConfig which is the param for searchCloudMessageHistory in MessageService

Bug Fixes #

  • iOS fixed message filtering error

1.0.11(Sep 15, 2022) #

Bug Fixes #

  • iOS fixed message status

Dependency Updates #

  • iOS updated SDK version 8.11.0

1.0.10(Sep 8, 2022) #

New Features #

  • support iOS simulator

Behavior changes #

  • UserService.onMuteListChanged return type change to NIMMuteListChangedNotify
  • MessageService.onSessionDelete return type change to nullable

API Changes #

  • add queryRoamMsgHasMoreTime in MessageService
  • add updateRoamMsgHasMoreTag in MessageService
  • add rejectApply in TeamService

Bug Fixes #

  • Fix some Known bugs

Dependency Updates #

  • nim_core_platform_interface from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1
  • Android NIM SDK from 8.11.12 to 8.11.13

1.0.9(Sep 2, 2022) #

Bug Fixes #

  • iOS Fixed can't get latitude and longitude

Dependency Updates #

  • nim_core_macos from 1.0.0 to 1.0.2
  • nim_core_windows from 1.0.0 to 1.0.2

1.0.8(Aug 29, 2022) #

Bug Fixes #

  • iOS Fixed removeManagers parameter error

1.0.7(Aug 23, 2022) #

Bug Fixes #

  • iOS Fixed issue with fetch top message data being empty
  • iOS Fixed fetchUserInfoList forced unpacking
  • iOS Fixed empty LastMessage Content

1.0.6(Aug 18, 2022) #

Bug Fixes #

  • Android add updateMyMemberExtension for TeamService
  • Android fix sendMessage error in SuperTeam

1.0.5(Aug 17, 2022) #

Bug Fixes #

  • iOS fix getUserinfo ext field is empty

1.0.4(Aug 9, 2022) #

Bug Fixes #

  • Android fix initialized status issue

1.0.3(Jul 26, 2022) #

Bug Fixes #

  • Android fix multi channel issue

1.0.2(Jul 22, 2022) #

Bug Fixes #

  • iOS Fixed an issue where attach was empty

1.0.1(Jul 20, 2022) #

Bug Fixes #

  • add some necessary logs for chatroom message receiver

1.0.0(Jul 13, 2022) #

New Features #

  • first release version