hawk_meta 0.0.1
hawk_meta: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard
Automatically generate Hawk style method call handlers for your project.
Features #
Automatically generate Hawk style method call handlers for your project.
Getting started #
Add hawk_meta
and hawk_source_gen
package dependency to your pubspec.yaml
Usage #
- Annotate a class or function with
annotation fromhawk_meta
class UserInfo {
final String userId;
final String userToken;
final String userName;
UserInfo(this.userId, this.userToken, this.userName);
UserInfo.fromMap(Map map)
: userId = map['userId'] as String,
userToken = map['userToken'] as String,
userName = map['userName'] as String;
class AuthService {
Future<UserInfo> login(String userId, String userToken) async {
await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2));
return UserInfo(userId, userToken, 'test');
Note: @HawkEntryPoint
annotation can be used on a class or a top level function/getter/setter.
If used on a class, all the public methods of the class will be registered as entry points.
If you want to skip some elements, use @HawkApi(ignore: true)
- Run
flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
to generate the code.
The generated code will be placed in .dart_tool/build/generated/{pkg}lib/src
file of your project.
All of them have a suffix of .hawk.dart
Currently, you need to copy these files to your target folder manually.
- Then you can use the generated code to call the entry point.
void testHawk() {
final handler = HawkMethodCallDispatcher();
// this is unnecessary
// hawk will automatically to find fromMap/toJson method of type, if it exists.
// if it is not what you want, you can register a custom fromMap/toMap method.
fromMap: (map) async => UserInfo.fromMap(map),
toMap: (UserInfo info) => {
'userId': info.userId,
'userToken': info.userToken,
'userName': info.userName,
// this is needed
instanceGetter: () async => AuthService(),
handlers: [HawkAuthService.handleHawkMethodCall],
// pass the `handler` to `IntegratedManager`
// other arguments
// ...
caseList: [handler],