nhost_graphql_adapter 1.0.0-dev.6 copy "nhost_graphql_adapter: ^1.0.0-dev.6" to clipboard
nhost_graphql_adapter: ^1.0.0-dev.6 copied to clipboard


Easily connect to your Nhost GraphQL backend.

Nhost GraphQL Adapter for Dart #

Pub Github test

Nhost integration with the graphql package.

If you're building for Flutter, check out nhost_flutter_graphql for widgets that work great with graphql_flutter.

Getting Started #

Latest Release #

  nhost_graphql_adapter: ^2.0.0

Flutter 1.22.4 support #

For people affected by the Metal jank issues on iOS.

  nhost_graphql_adapter: ^1.0.0

🔥 More Dart & Flutter packages from Nhost #