nhentai 1.0.0-dev.11 nhentai: ^1.0.0-dev.11 copied to clipboard
Powerful client for nhentai.net undocumented APIs, with cookies, proxy, full data model and more.
// ignore_for_file: avoid_print, unused_local_variable, omit_local_variable_types
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:http/io_client.dart';
// Import with library prefix
import 'package:nhentai/nhentai.dart' as nh;
// Import prefixed version
import 'package:nhentai/nhentai_prefixed.dart';
Future<void> main() async {
// API client with default parameters.
final pureApi = nh.API();
// API client with HTTP proxy.
final proxyApi = NHentai.proxy(
// Proxy URI.
// Custom hosts config with changed image and thumbnail hosts.
hosts: NHentaiHosts.only(
image : const NHentaiImageHost('i2.nhentai.net'),
thumbnail: const NHentaiThumbnailHost('t7.nhentai.net'),
// Client with custom HTTP Client.
final customClientApi = nh.API(
// HTTP client with proxy.
client: IOClient(
HttpClientBasicCredentials('0xdeadbeef', '0x0badf00d'),
..findProxy = (uri) => 'PROXY example.com:1337',
// Multiple hosts config with 2 image hosts.
hosts: NHentaiHosts.multiple(
image: [
// Create image host via dedicated class constructor.
const NHentaiImageHost('i7.nhentai.net'),
// Create image host config via generic host factory.
NHentaiHost(NHentaiHostType.image, 'i5.nhentai.net') as NHentaiImageHost,
final api = pureApi;
// This will throw ApiException if book isn't found.
final NHentaiBook book = await api.getBook(177013);
// Print short book summary.
'Book: $book\n'
'Artists: ${book.tags.artists.join(', ')}\n'
'Languages: ${book.tags.languages.join(', ')}\n'
'Cover: ${book.cover.getUrl(api: api)}\n'
'First page: ${book.pages.first.getUrl(api: api)}\n'
'First page thumbnail: ${book.pages.first.thumbnail.getUrl(api: api)}',
// Search for books with the same language.
// Print names of first 2 books of first 2 pages of search.
await for (final search in api.searchTagged(book.tags.languages.first, count: 2)) {
print(search.books.take(2).join(', '));
// This is a bad approach because the stream is already in process of
// requesting new page at this point.
// Use `count` option instead of breaking by condition like this.
// if (search.page >= 2)
// break;
// Make a single query and print name of the first book.
// Request via generator, here you must specify `count` to 1, otherwise stream
// will make 2 request and you'll wait for 2 requests instead of single one.
final nh.Search search1 = await api.search('test', count: 1).first;
// Pure single search request.
final NHentaiSearch search2 = await api.searchSinglePage('test');