native_video_player 2.0.0
native_video_player: ^2.0.0 copied to clipboard
A Flutter widget to play videos on iOS and Android using a native implementation.
2.0.0 #
- Added support for sending optional headers to the native players to stream videos behind authentication (thanks to @shenlong-tanwen)
- Notify when video isn't playable on iOS (thanks to @ashilkn)
- Upgrading to Gradle 8 (thanks to @Pablo-Aldana)
- minSdkVersion on Android is now 21
- Upgraded dependencies
1.3.1 #
- Fixed #10
- Split example into multiple files
- Upgraded dependencies
1.3.0 #
- Targeting Dart 3.0 and Flutter 3.10
1.2.0+3 #
now throws exceptions that must be handled by the caller. - Added new method to set playback speed
- Exposed more controller events (playback speed and volume changed)
1.1.0+2 #
- Fixed gifs not showing in Readme
1.1.0 #
- Targeting Flutter 3
1.0.3 #
- Fixed publishing error
1.0.2 #
- Fixed videos not playing on iOS 14
1.0.1 #
- First public release