native_font 1.1.1 copy "native_font: ^1.1.1" to clipboard
native_font: ^1.1.1 copied to clipboard

A plugin for lazily loading fonts from native side, supporting ttf and otf formats.

native_font #

A flutter plugin for lazily loading fonts from native side, supporting ttf and otf formats. Codes are inspired by google_fonts.

Installation #

To use this plugin, add native_font as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

  native_font: <latest version>
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Usage #

First, register the font file data handler that can be used by Flutter on the native end as early as possible.

  • iOS

In Swift

NativeFontPlugin.fontDataHandler = { (familyName, weight, isItalic, callback) in
  if familyName == "Roboto" {
    var fileName = "Roboto-Regular.ttf"
    if weight == FlutterFontWeight.weight700 {
      fileName = isItalic ? "Roboto-BoldItalic.ttf" : "Roboto-Bold.ttf"
    } else if weight == FlutterFontWeight.weight400 {
      fileName = isItalic ? "Roboto-Italic.ttf" : "Roboto-Regular.ttf"
    } else if weight == FlutterFontWeight.weight500 {
      fileName = "Roboto-Medium.ttf"
    callback(try! Data(contentsOf: Bundle.main.url(forResource: fileName, withExtension: nil)!))
  } else if familyName == "Caveat" {
    // ...
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In Objective-C

NativeFontPlugin.fontDataHandler = ^(NSString * _Nonnull familyName, FlutterFontWeight weight, BOOL isItalic, void (^ _Nonnull callback)(NSData * _Nullable)) {
  if ([familyName isEqualToString:@"Roboto"]) {
    NSString *fileName = @"Roboto-Regular.ttf";
    if (weight == FlutterFontWeight700) {
      fileName = isItalic ? @"Roboto-BoldItalic.ttf" : @"Roboto-Bold.ttf";
    } else if (weight == FlutterFontWeight400) {
      fileName = isItalic ? @"Roboto-Italic.ttf" : @"Roboto-Regular.ttf";
    } else if (weight == FlutterFontWeight500) {
      fileName = @"Roboto-Medium.ttf";
    callback([NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:fileName ofType:nil]]);
  } else if ([familyName isEqualToString:@"Caveat"]) {
    // ...
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  • Android
NativeFontPlugin.setFontDataHandler((familyName, fontWeight, isItalic, fontCallBack) -> {
  if (familyName.equals("Roboto")) {
    int familyId = R.font.roboto_regular;
    if (fontWeight == FontStyle.FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD) {
        familyId = isItalic ? R.font.roboto_bold_italic : R.font.roboto_bold;
    } else if (fontWeight == FontStyle.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL) {
        familyId = isItalic ? R.font.roboto_italic : R.font.roboto_regular;
    } else if (fontWeight == FontStyle.FONT_WEIGHT_MEDIUM) {
        familyId = R.font.roboto_medium;
  } else if (familyName.equals("Caveat")) {
    // ...
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Then you can use nativeFontTextStyle on the Flutter end.

  style: nativeFontTextStyle(
    fontFamily: 'Cardo',
    fontSize: 30,
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Notes #

About font weight #

A font generally uses a ninth-order ordered value of 100~900 to divide its weight (the thickness of the font), and normal is equivalent to 400, and bold is equivalent to 700. In many cases, some general word descriptions are used to divide their weight. Common weight values roughly correspond to the word weight description words:

  • 100 - Thin
  • 200 - Extra Light (Ultra Light)
  • 300 - Light
  • 400 - Regular (Normal、Book、Roman)
  • 500 - Medium
  • 600 - Semi Bold (Demi Bold)
  • 700 - Bold
  • 800 - Extra Bold (Ultra Bold)
  • 900 - Black (Heavy)

These words are included in the naming of regular font files. Why is it roughly corresponding? There are differences in some fonts. It may be 100 for Ultra Light, 200 for Thin, and 800 for Heavy.

Fallback #

When the unregistered font on the native end is used on the Flutter end or the callback font data cannot be loaded correctly, it will fall back to the default font and the text will always be displayed.

Asynchronous loading #

Thanks to the powerful FontLoader function, the text will be automatically refreshed when the font data is called back to the flutter end.



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A plugin for lazily loading fonts from native side, supporting ttf and otf formats.

Repository (GitHub)
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MIT (license)




Packages that depend on native_font