mysql_client_plus 0.0.30 copy "mysql_client_plus: ^0.0.30" to clipboard
mysql_client_plus: ^0.0.30 copied to clipboard

Native MySQL client written in Dart. Tested with MySQL Percona Server (5.7, 8), MariaDB (10). Supports TLS.

0.0.30 #

  • Rename mysql_client to mysql_client_plus

0.0.29 #

  • Add Support empty password

0.0.28 #

0.0.28 #

  • Add support for unix socket on pool connection

0.0.27 #

  • Add timeoutMs param to pool constructor

0.0.26 #

  • Change default charset to ut8mb4 (fix emojies)
  • Add timeoutMs option to connect() method
  • Increase default timeout from 5 seconds to 10 seconds

0.0.25 #

  • Add support for unix socket connection. See example/main_unix_socket.dart

0.0.24 #

  • Fix colByName and typedColByName: ignore column name case

0.0.23 #

  • Fix caching_sha2_password auth plugin

0.0.22 #

  • Check server supports SSL
  • Add support for multiple statements

0.0.21 #

  • Fix _lastError reset in _forceClose() and used after

0.0.20 #

  • Refactor error handling
  • Add section about error handling to
  • Fix connection pool bugs
  • Fix mysql protocol string parsing (ascii instead of utf8)

0.0.19 #

  • Expose mysql server error code in MySQLServerException

0.0.18 #

  • Remove general Exception class. Add custom exception classes

0.0.17 #

  • Fix string encoding in prepared statements

0.0.16 #

  • Fix in transaction flag

0.0.15 #

  • Fix capability flags parsing

0.0.14 #

  • Fix prepared statement select with params (handle two EOF packets if numOfCols and numOfParams are both > 0)

0.0.13 #

  • Fix decoding long strings

0.0.12 #

  • Add info about typed access to readme and examples

0.0.11 #

  • Implement typed access to column data
  • Add tests

0.0.10 #

  • Add more docs and examples

0.0.9 #

  • Use utf8 charset by default
  • Encode all data using utf8.encode() and utf8.decode()

0.0.8 #

  • Improve error handling
  • Add handling of incomplete packets in _spliPackets() method
  • Fix parameters substitution
  • Add mysql_client tests

0.0.7 #

  • Add doc comments and example

0.0.6 #

  • Implement iterable result sets

0.0.5 #

  • Implement caching_sha2_password auth plugin
  • Refactor data packets handling
  • Split data packets
  • Fix some bugs

0.0.4 #

  • Implement SSL connection
  • Fix bug with hardcoded host and port

0.0.3 #

  • Implement prepared statements
  • Add more tests

0.0.2 #

  • Fix readme and docs

0.0.1 #

  • Initial version.
pub points


unverified uploader

Native MySQL client written in Dart. Tested with MySQL Percona Server (5.7, 8), MariaDB (10). Supports TLS.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)


buffer, crypto, tuple


Packages that depend on mysql_client_plus