myorderapp_square 2.5.19 copy "myorderapp_square: ^2.5.19" to clipboard
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A Dart client for MyOrderApp customer HTTP API

myorderapp_square (EXPERIMENTAL) #

No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator

This Dart package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 2.5.19
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.DartDioClientCodegen

Requirements #

Installation & Usage # #

To use the package from, please include the following in pubspec.yaml

  myorderapp_square: 2.5.19

Github #

If this Dart package is published to Github, please include the following in pubspec.yaml

      #ref: main

Local development #

To use the package from your local drive, please include the following in pubspec.yaml

    path: /path/to/myorderapp_square

Getting Started #

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

import 'package:myorderapp_square/myorderapp_square.dart';

final api = MyorderappSquare().getAppConfigsApi();
final String merchantIdOrPath = merchantIdOrPath_example; // String | 
final String xCustomLang = xCustomLang_example; // String | 

try {
    final response = await api.getAppConfig(merchantIdOrPath, xCustomLang);
} catch on DioException (e) {
    print("Exception when calling AppConfigsApi->getAppConfig: $e\n");

Documentation for API Endpoints #

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
AppConfigsApi getAppConfig GET /v2/app-config Get Config for Merchant ID
AppConfigsApi getAppConfigMe GET /v2/app-config/me Get your Config
AppConfigsApi patchAppConfigMe PATCH /v2/app-config/me Update your Config
AppConfigsApi postAppConfigMe POST /v2/app-config/me Create your Config
AppConfigsApi postBannerUploadMe POST /v2/app-config/me/banner/upload Upload banner
AppConfigsApi postIconUploadMe POST /v2/app-config/me/icon/upload Upload icon
AuthenticationApi deleteAuthMe DELETE /v2/auth/me Delete Session
AuthenticationApi patchAuthMe PATCH /v2/auth/me Update password
AuthenticationApi postEmailConfirm POST /v2/auth/email/confirm Confirm email
AuthenticationApi postEmailLogin POST /v2/auth/email/login Get access token
AuthenticationApi postEmailRegister POST /v2/auth/email/register Create User and Authorize, note: tries to login first
AuthenticationApi postLoginApple POST /v2/auth/apple/login Apple login
AuthenticationApi postLoginGoogle POST /v2/auth/google/login Google login
AuthenticationApi postPasswordForgot POST /v2/auth/password/forgot Forgot password
AuthenticationApi postPasswordReset POST /v2/auth/password/reset Reset password
AuthenticationApi postRefresh POST /v2/auth/refresh Refresh token
CardsApi deleteCardsMe DELETE /v2/square/cards/me/{id} Disable my Square Card
CardsApi getCardsMe GET /v2/square/cards/me List my Square Cards
CardsApi postCardsMe POST /v2/square/cards/me Create my Square Card
CatalogsApi getCategories GET /v2/categories Get Categories for Merchant ID with Items, Variations, and/or ModifierLists
CatalogsApi getCategoriesItems GET /v2/categories/{id}/items Get Items in Category
CatalogsApi getCategoriesMe GET /v2/categories/me Get your Categories with Items, Variations, and/or ModifierLists
CatalogsApi getItem GET /v2/items/{id} Get Item with ID
CatalogsApi getVariationsForItem GET /v2/items/{id}/variations Get Item variations with ID
CatalogsApi patchCategories PATCH /v2/categories Update multiple Categories
CatalogsApi patchCategory PATCH /v2/categories/{id} Update a Category
CatalogsApi patchItem PATCH /v2/items/{id} Update an Item
CatalogsApi patchItems PATCH /v2/items Update multiple Items
CatalogsApi patchVariation PATCH /v2/variations/{id} Update an Variation
CatalogsApi postItemSquareImageUpload POST /v2/items/{id}/square/image/upload Upload Square Catalog Image
CustomersApi deleteCustomerId DELETE /v2/customers/{id} Delete Customer with ID
CustomersApi deleteCustomerMe DELETE /v2/customers/me Delete current Customer
CustomersApi getCustomerMe GET /v2/customers/me Get current Customer
CustomersApi getCustomers GET /v2/customers Get my Customers
CustomersApi patchCustomerMe PATCH /v2/customers/me Update your Customer
CustomersApi postCustomerMe POST /v2/customers/me Create Customer for current User
CustomersApi updateAppInstallMe POST /v2/customers/me/app-install Create or update Customer App Install
LocationsApi getLocation GET /v2/locations/{id} Get a Location with ID
LocationsApi getLocations GET /v2/locations Get Locations for Merchant
LocationsApi getLocationsMe GET /v2/locations/me Get all your Locations
LocationsApi patchManyLocations PATCH /v2/locations Update Locations
LocationsApi patchOneLocation PATCH /v2/locations/{id} Update a Location
MailApi postContact POST /v2/users/contact Send contact
MailApi postSupport POST /v2/users/support Send support request
MerchantsApi deleteMerchantMe DELETE /v2/merchants/me Delete current Merchant
MerchantsApi getMeSquareLogout GET /v2/merchants/me/square/logout Delete Square Oauth
MerchantsApi getMerchant GET /v2/merchants/{idOrPath} Get Merchant
MerchantsApi getMerchantMe GET /v2/merchants/me Get current Merchant
MerchantsApi getSquareSyncMe GET /v2/merchants/me/square/sync Sync your Square Catalog
MerchantsApi getStripeBillingSessionMe GET /v2/merchants/me/stripe/billing-session Start create billing session url
MerchantsApi postMerchantMe POST /v2/merchants/me Create Merchant for current User
MerchantsApi postSquareOauthMe POST /v2/merchants/me/square/login Confirm Square Oauth
MerchantsApi postStripeCheckoutMe POST /v2/merchants/me/stripe/checkout Start Stripe checkout
OrdersApi deleteLineItemCurrent DELETE /v2/orders/current/line-item/{id} Remove Line Items from Order
OrdersApi deleteOrderCurrent DELETE /v2/orders/current Delete Order
OrdersApi getOrder GET /v2/orders/{id} Get Order
OrdersApi getOrderCurrent GET /v2/orders/current Get current Order
OrdersApi getOrderStatisticsMe GET /v2/orders/statistics/me Get your statistics
OrdersApi getOrders GET /v2/orders/me Get my Orders
OrdersApi patchOrderCurrent PATCH /v2/orders/current Patch update Order, e.g. modify Location
OrdersApi postOrder POST /v2/orders Create Order
OrdersApi postOrderCurrent POST /v2/orders/current Post update Order, e.g. add Variations & Modifiers in Line Items
OrdersApi postSquarePaymentOrderCurrent POST /v2/orders/current/payment/square Pay for Order
UsersApi deleteUserMe DELETE /v2/users/me
UsersApi getUserMe GET /v2/users/me
UsersApi patchUserMe PATCH /v2/users/me

Documentation For Models #

Documentation For Authorization #

Authentication schemes defined for the API:

Api-Key #

  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: Api-Key
  • Location: HTTP header

bearer #

  • Type: HTTP Bearer Token authentication (JWT)

Author #



unverified uploader

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A Dart client for MyOrderApp customer HTTP API

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API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)


dio, json_annotation


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