myket_iap 1.1.6 copy "myket_iap: ^1.1.6" to clipboard
myket_iap: ^1.1.6 copied to clipboard


Myket In App Purchase plugin for flutter for android applications.

myket_iap #

Myket In-App Purchase plugin android apps. This plugin is for android apps only.

Getting Started #

Import this line in Flutter pubspec #

myket_iap: <Last Version>

Migrate from 1.0.6 to 1.1.0 #

Remove Permission from Android Manifest.

<uses-permission android:name="" />

Remove queries from Android Manifest.

    <package android:name="" />
        <action android:name="" />
        <data android:mimeType="*/*" />

Add gradle properties explained below.

Updating Your Application's Gradle #

Add this code snippet to your build.gradle defaultConfig:

android {
    defaultConfig {
        def marketApplicationId = ""
        def marketBindAddress = ""
        manifestPlaceholders += [marketApplicationId: "${marketApplicationId}",
                marketBindAddress  : "${marketBindAddress}",
                marketPermission   : "${marketApplicationId}.BILLING"]

    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility 17
        targetCompatibility 17

Make sure you are using kotlin >= 1.9.10 and java 17

Multiple Store #

Myket Iap can support multiple store. For using this feature, use flavor in your gradle file and in your flutter. For more information about flavors in flutter read this document.

To Use myket iap plugin import below code to your class(your payment class) #

import 'package:myket_iap/myket_iap.dart';
  • All method be static and don't need to initialize any class

First of all initialize payment and ras Key #

use this method in your initState() method.

IabResult result = await MyketIAP.init(rsaKey:"Your RSA Key From myket", enableDebugLogging: true);
  1. rsaKey : Public key retrieved from myket developer panel
  2. enableDebugLogging : enable or disable debug log

To start a purchase request from your app, call the launchPurchaseFlow method on the In-app Billing plugin #

Map<String, dynamic> result = await MyketIAP.launchPurchaseFlow(sku: "gas", payload:"payload");
  1. sku : your product id on Myket (created in myket developer panel)
  2. payload : The developerPayload String is used to specify any additional arguments that you want Myket to send back along with the purchase information.

The result will be a map containing MyketIAP.RESULT as IabResult object, and MyketIAP.PURCHASE as Purchase object.

after getting result from launchPurchaseFlow, if your purchase is consumable, you should consume it #

Map<String, dynamic> consumeResultMap = await MyketIAP.consume(purchase: purchase);
  1. purchase : previously bought item

The result will be a map containing MyketIAP.RESULT as IabResult object, and MyketIAP.PURCHASE as consumed Purchase object.

if you want to know state of a purchase use this method #

Map<String, dynamic> result = await MyketIAP.getPurchase(sku: "gas", querySkuDetails: false);
  1. sku : your product id on Myket (created in myket developer panel)
  2. querySkuDetails : if true, SKU details (price, description, etc) will be queried as well as purchase information.

The result will be a map containing MyketIAP.RESULT as IabResult object, and MyketIAP.PURCHASE as consumed Purchase object.

Query the inventory #

This will query all owned items from the server, as well as information on additional skus, if specified.

Map<String, dynamic> result = await MyketIAP.queryInventory(querySkuDetails: false);
  1. querySkuDetails : if true, SKU details (price, description, etc) will be queried as well as purchase information.

The result will be a map containing MyketIAP.RESULT as IabResult object, and MyketIAP.INVENTORY as Inventory object.

Dispose #

Dispose of object, releasing resources. It's very important to call this method when you are done with this object. It will release any resources used by it such as service connections. Naturally, once the object is disposed of, it can't be used again.

await MyketIAP.dispose();
pub points



Myket In App Purchase plugin for flutter for android applications.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)




Packages that depend on myket_iap